Tuesday, 2/6/07
Check 600 words. Dates must range from: 1/31 - 2/6
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. The poem's language was so ____________ that everyone interpreted it differently. a) accumulate  b) crucial  c) deviate  d) fluctuate  e) ambiguous
  2. The word ____________ literally means "one shape."  a) exploit  b) uniform  c) contemporary  d) bias  e) denote
  3. Many people think that the big farm owners ___________ the people who pick their crops.  a) induce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) denote
  4. The man's blood pressure ____________(ed) wildly right before his heart attack.  a) exploit  b) manipulate  c) clarify  d) fluctuate  e) minimize
  5. Even in _____________ slang, the word cool still means good.  a) contemporary  b) arbitrary  c) ambiguous  d) deviate  e) implicit
"What is the story really about?"
Brief summary
Examples to prove your thesis