Wednesday, 1/10/07 -- Early
Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
With your nose plugged, your
taste buds can't _____________ between an onion and an apple.
a) aggregate b) explicit c) scope d) discriminate
e) enhance f) transform g) cite
The police officer ______(ed)
her for running a stop sign. a) scope b) discriminate c)
inhibit d) migrate e) cite f) aggregate g) acknowledge
During WWII, a person with
a car was only ____________(ed) 3 gallons of gas per week. a)
subsidy b) allocate c) aggregate d) transform e)
cite f) abstract g) inhibit
Rocket science is outside the
_________ of this class. a) cite b) furthermore c)
abstract d) incidence e) scope f) aggregate g)
Computers are getting cheaper
all the time; __________, their quality is improving. a) cite
b) furthermore c) abstract d) incidence e) scope
f) aggregate g) transform
Mr. Coward was very ___________
about how he wanted us to head the paper. a) aggregate b) inhibit
c) explicit d) discriminate e) enhance f) transform
g) cite
Verb MiniQuiz. Click only.
The climb up Walton mountain
took us two hours. a) climb/action b) climb/linking c)
climb took/action d) took/action e) took/linking
This apartment complex can
house up to a thousand people. a) complex/action b) complex/linking
c) can/linking d) can house/action e) house/linking
The fast-running river was
cold and treacherous. a) running/action b) was fast-running/action
c) was/linking d) was cold/action e) was/action
After a brief time in math
class, I became bored. a) became/linking b) bored/action
c) became/action d) bored/linking e) none of the above
The policeman looked tired.
a) tired/action b) looked/action c) tired/linking d)
looked/linking e) looked tired/action
Workbook Quiz p360-361. Open
Book. Click only.
A republic is a country with
a king. a) True b) False
At the time this article covers,
Italy had a strong central government. a) True b) False
Naples could be considered
a part of the area called the "birthplace of the Renaissance." a)
True b) False
The republics of the city-states
in Italy had governments much like that of the United States.
a) True b) False
What product/service made Florence
wealthy? a) gold b) architecture and building c)
money-lending/banking d) wool e) spices
(map) Which city-state was
the island of Corsica a part of? a) Sardinia b) The Papal
States c) Kingdom of the Two Sicilies d) Florence e) Genoa
All the city-states were republics.
a) True b) False
The weathy families of Florence
used their wealth to wage war on other countries like England and France.
a) True b) False
All the Italian city-states
were ruled by the families of Florence. a) True b) False
The word Renaissance
means Roman culture.
a) True b) False
Work on 120