Thursday, 1/11/07 -- Check out our first podcast!
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. His volunteer work earned him a special ________(ion) from the mayor.  a) aggregate  b) incidence  c) incentive  d) cite  e) abstract  f) acknowledge  g) incorporate  h) motive
  2. The only way he affords his lifestyle is through a _________ from his rich uncle. a) scope  b) incidence  c) incentive  d) cite  e) subsidy  f) acknowledge  g) migrate  h) discriminate
  3. Since the era of vaccination, the _________ of some childhood diseases is zero. a) aggregate  b) incidence  c) incentive  d) cite  e) abstract  f) acknowledge  g) migrate  h) motive
  4. Most students won't do homework unless there is some sort of (dis)___________ not to. a) aggregate  b) allocate  c) incentive  d) inihibit  e) explicit  f) acknowledge  g) migrate  h) subsidy
  5. Spender thought that the Martians tried to ___________ nature into their lives as much as possible. a) aggregate  b) incidence  c) incentive  d) cite  e) incorporate  f) acknowledge  g) migrate  h) motive
  6. The word _________ can also mean "x-rated." a) enhance  b) incidence  c) incentive  d) cite  e) abstract  f) acknowledge  g) migrate  h) explicit

Check Pink Sheets. Keep and STUDY(!?) for test tomorrow.

Workbook Quiz (See below.)

120 Seconds (Podcast Stylie) Begins.
Here are the judges ballots.

Workbook Quiz. (p362-363)

  1. Taste buds are examples of receptors. a) True  b) False
  2. A neuron is a type of...  a) cell  b) organ  c) receptor  d) cytoplasm  e) none of the above
  3. The nerves that connect the arms and legs with the spinal cord are part of the _______ nervous system.  a) peripheral   b) branch  c) lower  d) central  e) none of the above
  4. The science article on p363 compares the nervous system to a __________. a) car  b) brain  c) television  d) computer  e) none of the above
  5. Which of these is NOT something this lesson will teach?  a) What an impulse is  b) The difference between the central and peripheral nervous systems.  c) How the brain works.  d) How neurons do their job.  e) All of these will be taught.
  6. This is a diagram of a neuron. Identify #1.  a) cytoplasm  b) dendrites  c) peripheral cells  d) receptors  e) none of the above
  7. Your skin could be considered one giant sense organ.  a) True.  b) False.
  8. When you remember what a verb is, you are using your peripheral nervous system.  a) True.  b) False.
  9. At the end of this lesson, there will be a lab.  a) True.  b) False.
  10. The "signal words" in an article like this will probably show order or categories.  a) True  b) False