Tuesday, 1/23/07 -- Collect Justification Paper (Mark the academic words you used! I don't need the rough draft, but you should save it, and the rubric you marked when you worked on your rough draft.)
Tom Sawyer Reading Check. You may use your study questions, if you did them.
  1. Who is the man with the book in illustration A? a) the teacher (AKA: schoolmaster  b) the Superintendant  c) the mayor  d) the judge  e) none of the above
  2. Who is the boy?  a) Tom  b) the German kid who memorized so many lines  c) Jeff Thatcher  d) Sid  e) none of the above
  3. What does the last line of chapter 4 mean? a) They closed the curtain in the church so they couldn't see any more.  b) Let's find out what happens to Tom in the next chapter.  c) Let's have a little sympathy for Tom, and not watch what will happen next  d) Let's pretend that Tom managed to figure another way out (again).  e) None of the above.
  4. What happens to Tom's pulled tooth? a) He loses it.  b) He trades it.  c) He keeps it to play with. d) He saves it for the tooth fairy.  e) None of the above.
  5. What is not one of the methods of wart removal that Tom and Huck talk about?  a) Using a dead cat.  b) Using old stagnant water. c) Using a bean.  d) Using a witch.  e) They talked about all of these.
  6. Who is pictured in illustration B? a) the schoolmaster b) the Superintendant  c) the mayor  d) the judge  e) none of the above
  7. What is the schoolmaster teaching when Tom arrives late to school? a) math  b) English  c) handwriting  d) spelling  e) none of the above
  8. What does Tom say/do that makes the schoolmaster so mad? a) "Am I late?"  b) He didn't call him sir.  c) "I stopped to talk to Huckleberry Finn."  d) "I don' care."  e) He ignored him.
  9. Tom knows this will anger the teacher, but he does it anyway. Why?  a) Because he hates the schoolmaster.  b) He can't help it.  c) He wants to show off how cool he is for the class.  d) He wants to sit next to Becky.  e) None of the above.
  10. Who are the two people in this "picture"?  a) The judge and Becky.  b) Tom and Becky.  c) The judge and Tom.  d) The judge and Aunt Polly.  e) The schoolmaster and Becky.
  11. After the scene with Becky, Tom... (Which did he not do?)  a) misspelled a bunch of easy words.  b) had trouble reading in class.   c) had to give up a spelling award he had won.  d) actually tried to study. e) He did all of these.


Intro to 600 Words. Styles of Writing.
10 minutes to get started. Here are a few ideas:
You need to turn in essays in at least 3 different styles by the end of the year.
Writing Styles: (R) Eyewitness Report (L) Response to Literature  (E) Evaluation (P) Persuasion (T) Technical Writing  (P-S) Problem-Solution

120 Seconds.