Monday, 3/5/07
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. For a business letter, __________ is the correct greeting. a) Dear Ms. Morley,  b) Dear Ms. Morley;  c) Dear Ms. Morley:  d) Dear Ms. Morley...
  2. This greeting is called the _________ of the letter.  a) hello  b) introduction  c) salutation  d) thesis  e) topic
  3. _________ goes in the upper-left corner of a business letter. a) The date.  b) The sender's address.  c) The receiver's address.  d) The date and the sender's address. e) Nothing.
  4. For a business letter, __________ is the correct closing. a) Later,  b) Sincerely,  c) Sincerely Yours,  d) Sincerely yours:  e) All are OK.
  5. After the closing, you should leave about four spaces before you type your name. a) True  b) False
Go over Perfect Business letter form. Go over Tom Sawyer Projects/Final Exam.
Go over tomorrows's State Writing Assessment
Pretest 10A.
Tom Sawyer, ch. 32-->