Wednesday, 3/7/07 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. After a while, interest in yoyos _________(ed) and some other fad took over.  a) jeer  b) clamor  c) bode  d) wax  e) wane
  2. The echoes of Tom's shouts in the cave sounded like ________(ing) laughter that mocked them. a) clamor  b) jeer  c) wane  d) perishable  e) bode
  3. Tom felt a little sorry for Injun Joe, "for he knew how this _________ had suffered." a) effusive  b) jeer  c) wretch  d) stupor  e) oppressive
  4. Tom went behind the limestone "waterfall" in order to use his candle to light it up for Becky's __________.  a) imperishable  b) stupor  c) clamorous  d) gratification  e) bode
  5. You should refrigerate ________(s) like milk and eggs, because they quickly go bad if you don't.  a) clamor  b) jeer  c) wretch  d) perishable  e) bode
  6. As the month goes on, the moon will ________ until it is full, and then ________. a) wax, wane  b) wane, wax  c) jeer, bode  d) bode, jeer
  7. When the boys came back from "the dead," Aunt Polly _________(ly) hugged and kissed Tom, and then embarrassed Huck by doing the same to him. a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) oppressive
  8. The sub didn't have much control over the class, and there was quite a(n) ________ when the principal walked in.  a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) clamor
  9. Tom thought that Huck's dream about rats was  __________(ing) that trouble was ahead. a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) bode
  10. Some people find the heat in the tropics _______. They find it's too hot for them to do much of anything. a) effusive  b) jeer  c) gratifying  d) stupor  e) oppressive


Tom Sawyer.

  1. When Tom told the story of their adventures in the cave... a) he told it very realistically.  b) he told how Becky broke down and cried.  c) he added many extra details.  d) he was too tired to tell the whole story. e) none of the above.
  2. When Tom comes out of the cave and talks to the men on a skiff (boat), why did they not believe his story at first?  a) They thought he was dead.  b) He was acting too strangely.  c) He always lies.  d) They were so far away from the entrance of the cave.  e) They didn't see Becky.
  3. After Injun Joe dies, what becomes the new tourist attraction?  a) His grave.  b) The rock where he collected what little water he had.  c) The bones of the bats he ate.   d) His broken knife.   e) Aladdin's Palace.
  4. How does Tom feel about Injun Joe's death? a) He's overjoyed that he's dead.   b) He's relieved that he's dead.   c) He pities him.   d) All of the above.   e) B and C.
  5. How did the townsfolk feel about Injun Joe's death?  a) Some felt sorry for him.  b) They said he got what he deserved.  c) They all felt relieved.  d) All of the above.  e) None of the above.
  6. What does Tom say is the only down side of being a robber?   a) It's too far from "home and circuses and all that."   b) It's not as "bully" as being a pirate.   c) The women whom you hold for ransom fall in love with you and won't leave.   d) There's a lot of killing involved.   e) There is no down side.
  7. Why does Tom say they are safe from IJ's ghost when they take the money?  a) His ghost is at the other end of the cave where he died.  b) Since he was so evil, he doesn't get to be a ghost.  c) He has the right charm and incantation.  d) As long as they don't mention his name they are safe.  e) None of the above.
  8. What is ironic about the Welshman's comment that begins, "I judged so..." (p220)?  a) The boys already have a lot of money.  b) The boys don't really work hard.   c) They wouldn't really "make twice the money at regular work."  d) That's normal human behavior.   e) None of the above.
  9. When the Welshman tells Tom and Huck about the gathering at the widow's house, Huck gets excited to be welcomed somewhere again.  a) True  b) False
  10. What is the party at the widow's for?  a) To celebrate Tom and Huck finding the money.  b) To celebrate the end of IJ.  c) To thank Huck for saving the widow.  d) To tell everyone that Tom and Becky will be married next year.  e) To tell everyone that Huck is now rich.
  11. How much money did the boys split between them?  a) $500  b) $5000  c) $10,000    d) $12,000  e) It doesn't say.
    *Bonus: There is an example of Tom "going by the book" in chapter 33 which he would probably be very embarrassed about if he knew what he was saying. What word does Tom obviously not know the meaning of?