Thursday, 3/8/07
Prepare sheet for Test 10a.
Mental Floss
  1. There is a misspelled word in the following sentence that makes it look like only two people died, when actually three people died. What word is misspelled? -- One night, a king and a queen went on a boat trip. Their boat sank and they all drowned.
  2. Skaters from the Netherlands normally dominate in speed skating in the Winter Olympics, yet in 1944, they didn't win a single medal. What country won all the medals, and why?
  3. Each of the following phrases can be rearranged into a single proper noun. (All the nouns you end up with have something in common.) What are the proper nouns?  a) as a ritual  b) sir usa  c) grey man  d) a fruit chaos
  4. Figure out what the animals are! (Example: hair-control foam = moose.)
  5. What do the following words have in common? (BESIDES the fact that they all have double letters. Hint: It's a trick you can do with all of them.)

  6. Assess
Test 10a