Wednesday, 3/14/07 -- Early Release Schedule
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
Go over Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest
  1. His presence in the class was ________. Once he was gone the class was "healthy" again.  a) allusion  b) malignant  c) jaunty  d) elaborate  e) dubious
  2. puzzled : baffled :: complicated : _________  a) saturated  b) malignant  c) wherewithal  d) elaborate  e) jaunty
  3. Young Roald was very impressed by the boy on the bike, riding with no hands, with his cap at a(n) _______ angle on his head.  a) dubious  b) baffled  c) jaunty  d) elaborate  e) malignant
  4. Even though Huck had the ________ to live like everyone else (or even better), he didn't like it.  a) hoard  b) baffled  c) allusion  d) stature e) wherewithal
  5. As I was talking to her, she made  ____________ (s) about something she had heard, but even though I knew she was hinting at something, I didn't know what it was.  a) saturation  b) elaborations  c) stature  d) allusion  e) wherewithal
  6. That commercial has __________(ed) television programming for the last week. It has been showing on almost every channel, several times a day.  a) elaborate  b) saturate  c) allusion  d) baffle  e) hoard
  7. Tom kept hoping they would find a(n) ___________ of treasure, and then they finally did.  a) hoard  b) stature  c) wherewithal  d) allusion  e) malignant
  8. Even though she was small in ________, her _________ in the community was large.  a) hoard, stature  b) allusion, hoard  c) wherewithal, wherewithal  d) wherewithal, stature  e) stature, stature
  9. Tom and his friends believed, that when you were trying to escape, crossing creeks and rivers  would leave your pursuers _________.  a) wherewithalled  b) baffled  c) elaborated  d) dubious  e) jaunty
  10. Second period says they can be quiet and respectful for an entire period. I, however, remain __________.  a) malignant  b) elaborate  c) dubious  d) baffled  e) jaunty
  11. When the boys asked Thwaites to __________ on his theory that your spit made gobstoppers change color, he said, "You wouldn't understand it if I did tell you."  a) baffle  b) elaborate  c) saturate  d) hoard  e) wherewithal
  12. Young Roald and his friends were convinced that pear drops were __________(ed) in the anesthetic chloroform.  a) saturate  b) elaborate  c) hoard  d) wherewithal  e) baffle
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