Thursday, 5/24/07 (14)
Return Sample Pages. Review where you should be.
You should STILL be spending at least 25 minutes per night on research related work.
Warm Up I. Colons and Semicolons.

YEE Pretest. (/30) Separate Sheet with NDP.   Keep in folder if you don't get 100%. This will be on the test again tomorrow.

  1. (2) Draw a diagram of what a day and a year are, astronomically speaking.
  2. (Copy.) Title Page : __________ :: Works Cited : end
  3. (4) It is rather ironic that Thomas Jefferson, the author of those famous words "...all men are created equal..." was a slave owner. Those immortal words come from __________(what), which was signed in ______, _______ (city, state), on ___/____/___ (month/day/year).
  4. (4) Franklin Roosevelt referred to it as "a day which will live in infamy." (who, what, when-MDY, where)
  5. (Copy.) 10% of 200 = _________
  6. (2) (Copy.) 36/45 = ______% = ______(letter grade) Hint: -9
  7. (3) (Copy.) ______ books have been sitting _______ for a long time; I hope ______ coming back soon.
  8. (13) Copy the sentence below and label each word with its part of speech. (the is an adjective)
    D'oh! Homer tripped very awkwardly, and hit his big, fat head on the door.
Example (Short) Research Paper in Write Source Book

MWA Quiz.

The Midwife's Apprentice.