Monday, 11/20/06 -- Short "Week"
Copy homework into assignment book.
I. Warm Up.
a) Copy the following sentence.
Their yellow eyes were glowing, and there were dark shadows under their cheekbones.
b) As each Clicker question comes up, underline the same word in your notebook, and above it, write the abbreviation for the part of speech. And then...
c) Click in your answer.

II. Earth Men MadLib!

Mars Facts and Pics
  • Average temperature on Mars is about  -67, Martian surface temperatures range widely from as little as -207 at the winter pole to almost 80 on the day side during summer. 
  • A Martian year is  686.98 days.
  • The pressure is only 1% of Earth's. Almost no atmosphere.
  • Mars has permanent ice caps at both poles composed mostly of solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice").
  • Pics and facts courtesy of


Read aloud "The Third Expedition" p32
Finish tonight.
Study Questions/Online Posting is optional! (Earn up to +10 if you do!)
Quiz tomorrow will be similar to study questions.
Video for "Ylla" (16 minutes)