Monday, 10/2/06
Copy homework into assignment book.
"The Tale of Mr. Morton"
Warm Up. Just Click. ID the simple subject. Preview of tonight's pink sheet.
  1. Grumpy, old Judge Lane presided over the trial.  a) Grumpy, old Judge Lane  b) Lane  c) Judge Lane  d) old Judge lane  e) Judge Lane presided
  2. A free rock concert was held in the main plaza.  a) a free rock concert  b) rock concert  c) rock concert was  d) concert  e) a concert
  3. Captain Queso, the chief of police, directed traffic during the president's visit.  a) Captain Queso  b) Queso  c) chief  d) chief of police  e) Captain Queso, the chief of police
  4. The restaurant at the train station served only sandwiches and soups.  a) train  b) train station  c) station  d) restaurant at the train station  e) restaurant
  5. The firefighters served cheese during the open house at the station.  a) cheese  b) station  c) house  d) open house  e) firefighters
  6. A lot of cake was served during Cindy's wedding.  a) cake  b) a lot of cake  c) lot  d) Cindy  e) wedding
Pretest #4. What's the theme?

The Outsiders...

Short Literary Analysis Paper:
Analyze the effect of using a first-person narrator in The Outsiders. Do you think the story is better for it (at least so far), or would a third-person narrator have been better to tell the story? Use examples from the novel to back up what you say. Be sure to explain the differences between the two types of narrators.
350+ words. Ink. Due Tuesday, 10/10.

"Nothing Gold Can Stay"
Chapter 5.