Pretest #1
In your notebook, write the correct spelling of each boldfaced, underlined word. Some are already correct, most are not. Also be on the lookout for any other mechanical mistakes to fix for extra credit.
  1. Make sure you understand the useage of this equipment.
  2. She is a very creative artist.
  3. Please stop the continueous humming.
  4. He took out life insureance before his dangerous mission.
  5. Survivor isn't really about survivle.
  6. It's been a plesure meeting you.
  7. The level of maturaty in a kindergarden classroom is low.
  8. His story was not beleivable.
  9. Try not to watch more than an hour or so of telavision per day.
  10. In his confusion the dumb burgler left his wallet.
  11. He rented a storeage locker for his stuff while he was away.
  12. A story is also called a narritive.
  13. That was a ridicalous movie; things like that never happen.
  14. Ignorance is worse than stupidity.
  15. His refusal to cooperate resulted in consequences.
  16. English is the study of literture, among other things.
  17. The landlord gave her back her securaty deposit after she cleaned the apartment.
  18. That coin is very valuble.
  19. Upon completeion of the work, you will be paid.
  20. Your essay revision is due Friday.
  21. He signed his letter, "Sinserely yours.
  22. "Is that desk moveable, or is it attached to the floor?
  23. What are the requirements for this paper?
  24. Please answer each part seperately.
  25. That was an unforgiveable offense!
Vocabulary:  First, look up the words below, and write the definition and the part-of-speech (POS) for each in your notebook. Then fill in the blanks below with the correct words.  (Due Wednesday.)
connotation, denotation, infer, bleak, nonchalant, gingerly, rueful, savvy, conform, fathom (v), sage (Not the herb!)
1. Even though I was nervous, I tried to act cool and _____________.
2. I handled the delicate vase very ____________.
3. Even though he may not be "book-smart" he has a lot of ___________ about the world.
4. Not every member of a group _______________(s) exactly to our image of that group.
5. The landscape of the moon is lifeless and very ________.
6. My grandfather was a _______ gave me some very _______ advice. (same word)
7. "I shouldn’t have done that," he said with a _______ sigh.
8. The detective tried to _________who the criminal was from the clues he left behind.
9. Though their a)connotations/denotations are similar, the words nosy and curious have very different b)connotations/denotations.
10. Nobody could __________ why Two-Bit was still in school. It just didn't make sense.