Pretest 8A. Academic Words VIII.
accumulate, ambiguous, arbitrary, bias, clarify, contemporary, crucial, denote, deviate, manipulate, exploit, fluctuate, implicit, induce, inevitable, displace, reinforce, thereby, uniform, minimize
  1. Mom's ___________ answer to my question didn't really answer my question. a) implicit  b) fluctuate  c) clarify  d) ambiguous  e) crucial



  3. With so little time left on the clock, and the score so one-sided, the outcome was ______________.  a) ambiguous  b) inevitable  c) uniform  d) fluctuate  e) reinforce



  5. The king didn't follow any written laws, and his punishments seemed very _________ and unfair.  a) inevitable  b) uniform  c) minimize  d) reinforce  e) arbitrary



  7. The police officer seemed to have a ____________ against people from the South, and treated them more harshly than everyone else.  a) exploit  b) contemporary  c) bias  d) arbitrary  e) uniform



  9. The teacher had the class repeat the rule several times to ______________ how important it was.  a) reinforce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) thereby



  11. Thousand of people were ______________(ed)  by Hurricane Katrina, and had to find new homes.  a) crucial  b) displace  c) deviate  d) bias  e) fluctuate



  13. The quarterback was able to ______________ a weakness in the defense, and threw for four touchdowns.  a) induce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) denote



  15. Make sure you mix the paint well, so that the color is ______________ and not splotchy.  a) crucial  b) uniform  c) bias  d) arbitrary  e) contemporary



  17. If you don't understand something, be sure to ask _____________(ing) questions until the concept is clear to you.  a) implicit  b) manipulate  c) clarify  d) ambiguous  e) crucial

  18. Even though we have a gentle climate, the temperature can still ____________ by as much as fifty degrees between day and night.  a) denote  b) displace  c) deviate  d) bias  e) fluctuate

  20. After three days of game-play, he had ________________(ed) enough points to move to the next level.  a) ambiguous  b) inevitable  c) manipulate  d) fluctuate  e) accumulate



  22. One of the best ways to make sure your skin stays young-looking is to _______________ your exposure to the sun's damaging rays.  a) manipulate  b) minimize  c) reinforce  d) fluctuate  e) accumulate



  24. The spoiled little girl was very good at ________________(ing) her parents into giving her just what she wanted. a) manipulate  b) minimize  c) reinforce  d) fluctuate  e) accumulate



  26. Please stick exactly to the plan; do not ______________ from it in any way.  a) exploit  b) deviate  c) bias  d) thereby  e) manipulate



  28. Abraham Lincoln was a ___________________ of Charles Darwin; they lived at the same time, but they never met.  a) crucial  b) deviate  c) bias  d) arbitrary  e) contemporary



  30. As we approached the intersection, we saw the red flares that ____________(ed) danger ahead. a) displace  b) deviate  c) bias  d) denote  e) contemporary



  32. Please do not skip any steps; they are all _______________ to the process, and it will not work unless you follow all of them. a) crucial  b) deviate  c) bias  d) arbitrary  e) contemporary



  34. She tripped over the last hurdle, _______________ruining her chances of the gold medal.  a) reinforce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) thereby



  36. After Tom and Huck's oath, nothing could ___________them to tell on Injun Joe. Nothing.  a) induce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) denote



  38. Even though he didn't say anything, because of his actions, I _____________(ly) understood that he was with me on this.  a) crucial  b) deviate  c) implicit  d) arbitrary  e) contemporary