Tuesday, 9/5/06 -- Extended Advisory Schedule.
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Copy into notebook.
  1. assist : interfere :: ________ : destroy
  2. reservoir : water :: ________ : money
  3. diagnosis : physician :: verdict : _________ (2 answers)
  4. plug : ________ :: key : lock
  5. _____/20 : 75% :: 18/20 : 90%
  6. (1) groovy : cool :: dig : __________ (2 answers)
KBAR begins tonight! SHOW not TELL
"Don't tell us that the old lady screamed. Bring her on and let her scream."
   -Samuel Clemens

cool, pretty, fun, scary, weird, ugly
What does each of these things LOOK like?

These are actually opinions, NOT descriptions!
What's "cool" to you could be "gross" to me or your mom!
You need to show us what this looks, sounds, tastes, smells, feels like!

Describe in detail what this might LOOK/SOUND like:
Compare two examples...

"My Room is Such a Mess" due Friday 9/8.
350+ words, ink, ndp, title, mess(y), gross, disgusting, dirty, stinky, etc.

Correct First Week Quiz

The Outsiders   What does it mean to say, "Don't judge a book by its cover"?