Thursday, 9/7/06 - Regular Schedule.
Reminder: KBAR!
Announcement: "Messy Room" due date has been pushed back to Tuesday, 9/12.
They better be good! Examples mañana.
Warm Up. Copy 1-4. 5 minutes.
  1. they : 3rd person :: ________ : 2nd person
  2. The Outsiders :: 1st person :: Green Eggs and Ham : ________
  3. lb. : pound :: Soc : _______
  4. pre : before :: ______ : after
  5. (2) What are two "disadvantages" of a first person narrator? In other words, what are two things a first person narrator can't tell us?
Library Orientation.
Backpacks in cubbies.
Silence and Respect.
5+ questions tomorrow on the quiz!