Test 2/23/07 -- Skip 1-12 if you are exempt from vocabulary.
  1. distracted : rapt :: forgiving : _______ a) vindictive  b) exacting  c) regalia  d) temperance  e) nigh
  2. Grandparents often spoil their grandkids, letting them ______ in candy and everything else.  a) exact  b) genial  c) mirth  d) rapt  e) indulge
  3. When Tom testified about the dead cat, "there was a ripple of ___" through the audience. Everyone thought that was funny. a) regalia  b) mirth  c) rapt  d) melancholy  e) temperance
  4. The chips used in computers have to be made to very __________ standards; the least flaw will ruin a chip. a) vindictive  b) exacting  c) regalia  d) temperance  e) nigh
  5. After Tom talked to Muff Potter, he was feeling very __________ about Muff's situation.  a) nigh  b) vindictive  c) mirthful  d) melancholy  e) indulgent
  6. Tom ________(ed)  for the glory of winning the Bible prize, not the Bible itself. a) yearn  b) exact  c) indulge  d) rapt  e) mirth
  7. The only reason Tom joined the Cadets of __________, was because he wanted to march in parades wearing the _______.  a) Mirth, regalia  b) Mirth, melancholy  c) Temperance, regalia  d) Temperance, mirth  e) Geniality, regalia
  8. When Tom testified at the trial, the audience was "________ in the ghastly fascination of the tale."  a) vindictive  b) melancholy  c) genial  d) exacting  e) rapt
  9. He was a good salesman, and part of it was that he was naturally a very _________ man.  a) mirth  b) genial  c) melancholy  d) rapt  e) vindictive
  10. Some groups of people are preparing for the end of the world, because they think the end is __________, and a __________ God will punish the nonbelievers.  a) exacting, vindictive  b) nigh, genial  c) rapt, vindictive  d) nigh, vindictive  e) nigh, melancholy
  11. mirth : melancholy :: temperance  :: __________  a) vindictiveness  b) geniality  c) regalia d) yearning  e) indulgence
  12. aloof : genial :: distracted : _____ a) indulgent  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) exacting
    Identify the Adverb(s) in each sentence.
  13. Quite suddenly, the horse bolted across the field. a) quite  b) quite, suddenly  c) quite, suddenly, across  d) quite, suddenly, field  e) no adverbs
  14. The plumbers finally finished repairing the pipes today. a) finally  b)  finally, repairing  c) finally, today  d) today  e) no adverbs
  15. Quickly, we gathered our gear for the trip.  a) quickly  b) gathered  c) trip  d) quickly, trip  e) no adverbs
  16. The buff lifeguard swam extremely fast.  a) buff  b) buff, fast  c) buff, extremely, fast  d) extremely, fast  e) no adverbs
  17. Tom went home miserable, and his dreams were full of horrors.  a) home  b) miserable  c) home, miserable  d) home, full  e) no adverbs
  18. There is a big sale at the mall today.  a) big, today  b) big  c) today  d) a, big  e) no adverbs
  19. People who shop wisely can save a great deal of money.  a) shop  b) wisely  c) great, wise  d) great  e) no adverbs
  20. Denise always goes to sales.  a) sales  b) goes  c) to  d) always  e) no adverbs
  21. In the past, she has been very lucky with her buys.  a) past  b) lucky  c) with  d) very  e) no adverbs
  22. She bought a rather expensive necklace very cheaply.  a) rather, very, cheaply  b) rather, expensive  c) rather, expensive, very, cheaply  d) rather, very  e) no adverbs
  23. She feels happy when she finds a real deal.  a) happy  b) happy, real  c) feels, happy  d) real  e) no adverbs
  24. For example, she bought a nearly new tent once at an outdoors store.  a) nearly, new  b) nearly, once  c) once, outdoors  d) nearly new, outdoors  e) no adverbs
  25. She will rather proudly show you the suitcase that she bought for next to nothing.  a) rather  b) proudly  c) rather, proudly  d) rather, proudly, nothing  e) no adverbs
  26. If you want to find a good deal, stay close to Denise.  a) good  b) close  c) good, close  d) a, good, close  e) no adverbs
  27. She is amazingly skillful in both spending and saving money.  a) amazingly  b) skillful  c) amazingly, skillful  d) amazingly, spending, saving  e) no adverbs
    Choose the correct combination of ADVERB --> WORD IT MODIFIES.
  28. I am well pleased with my fine performance on the test.  a) pleased --> am  b) am --> pleased  c) pleased --> performance  d) well -- performance  e) well --> pleased
  29. He feels more energetic after exercising.  a) energetic --> feels  b) energetic -- more  c) more --> energetic  d) after --> exercising
  30. She is happier than he is, because she is optimistic.  a) happier -- > is   b) optimistic --> is  c) happier, optimistic --> is  d) because --> optimistic, happier  e) no adverbs
  31. He is indubitably the finest teacher at the newest school. a) finest --> is  b) indubitably --> is  c) indubitably --> teacher  d) newest, finest --> is  e) no adverbs
    Tom Sawyer, ch 26. Open Book.
  32. For Tom and Huck, what is the unluckiest day of the week?  a) Monday  b) Tuesday  c) Wednesday  d) Thursday  e) Friday
  33. Who is pictured in Illustration A?  a) Injun Joe's partner, the ragged man.  b) Another detective hired to find Injun Joe.  c) Injun Joe d) Tom's disguise for following Injun Joe.  e) None of the above.
  34. What's wrong with the picture, according to the description in the book?  a) He's not wearing the right coat.  b) He's not supposed to have a beard.  c) He's not supposed to have glasses.  d) He's wearing the wrong kind of hat.  e) The picture is accurate.
  35. What saved the boys from being caught by Injun Joe in the haunted house the first time?  a) Injun Joe didn't look their way when they were poking around.  b) Their superstition about Fridays.  c) Their superstition about ghosts.  d) It was too dark to see them.  e) None of the above.
  36. What was the original caption for Illustration B? a) The Search for Joe Ends  b) The Detective Catches Injun Joe.  c) Joe's Secret Cache   d) Hidden Treasures Unearthed.  e) None of the above.
  37. In one word, the "job" that Injun Joe talks about "aint robbery  altogether -- it's ___________!"   a) murder  b) escape  c) treasure  d) revenge  e) None of the above.
  38. "Spaniard" = any foreigner. a) True  b) False
  39. Why does Injun Joe decide not to rebury the  treasure they find? a) He wonders why there was a pick and shovel there.  b) He knows the boys have been watching him.  c) He doesn't trust his partner, the ragged man.  d) He's leaving town right away.  e) None of the above. 
  40. Which of the following was the original caption for Illustration C?  a) The Fight  b) Muff's Revenge  c) The End of Injun Joe?  d) The Boys' Salvation  e) None of the above.