Test 6A
With your nose plugged, your taste buds can't _____________
between an onion and an apple. a) aggregate b) explicit
c) scope d) discriminate e) enhance
The police officer ______(ed) her for running a stop sign.
a) scope b) discriminate c) inhibit d) migrate
e) cite
During WWII, a person with a car was only ____________(ed)
3 gallons of gas per week. a) subsidy
b) allocate c) aggregate d) transform e) cite
Rocket science is outside the _________ of this class.
a) cite b) furthermore c) abstract d) incidence
e) scope
Computers are getting cheaper all the time; __________,
their quality is improving. a) cite b) furthermore
c) abstract d) incidence e) scope
Mr. Coward was very ___________ about how he wanted us
to head the paper. a) aggregate b) inhibit c) explicit
d) discriminate e) enhance
Even huge oil companies get ___________(s) from the government.
a) abstract b) rational c) inhibit d) allocate
e) subsidy
After the third round of the golf tournament, her ___________
score was 245. a) subsidy b) incentive c) abstract
d) incidence e) aggregate
For the introduction to your 120 Seconds, you should provide
a(n) ___________ of the novel's plot. a) aggregate b) abstract
c) subsidy d) rational e) explicit
Modern automobile paints have a rust-___________(or) mixed
in to make the car's finish last longer.
a) allocate b) abstract c) motive d) inhibit e)
At camp, we were each _________(ed) one shirt, one pair
of shorts, and a hat. a) incorporate
b) allocate c) aggregate d) enhance e) acknowledge
The introduction to your 120 Seconds doesn't have to cover
the entire _________ of the novel; just give us the main points.
a) scope b) rational c) abstract d) allocate e)
His volunteer work earned him a special ________(ation)
from the mayor. a) aggregate b) incidence
c) incentive d) cite e) abstract
The only way he affords his lifestyle is through a _________
from his rich uncle. a) scope b) incidence c) incentive
d) cite e) subsidy
Since the era of vaccination, the _________ of some childhood
diseases is zero. a) aggregate b) incidence c) incentive
d) cite e) abstract
Most students won't do homework unless there is some sort
of (dis)___________ not to. a) aggregate
b) allocate c) incentive d) inhibit e) explicit
Spender thought that the Martians tried to ___________
nature into their lives as much as possible. a) aggregate b)
incidence c) incentive d) cite e) incorporate
The word _________ can also mean "X-rated." a)
enhance b) explicit c) incentive d) cite e) abstract
The judge understood the reason he did the crime, ______________
he had to give him the full sentence. a) discriminate b)
furthermore c) nevertheless d) rational e) motive
It order to convict him of the crime they had to show
what his _____ was for doing it. a) motive b) incidence
c) rational d) abstract e) discriminate
The chef tastes the desserts before serving
them. a) action b) linking c) not a verb
The chef's dessert tastes divine. a)
action b) linking c) not a verb
You look marvelous. a) action b)
linking c) not a verb
Have a quick look at this before you say yes.
a) action b) linking c) not a verb
Look through this telescope.
a) action b) linking c) not a verb
The climb up Walton mountain took us two hours. a)
climb/action b) climb/linking c) climb took/action d)
took/action e) took/linking
This apartment complex can house up to a thousand people.
complex/action b) complex/linking c) can/linking d) can
house/action e) house/linking
The fast-running river was cold and treacherous.
running/action b) was fast-running/action c) was/linking
d) was cold/action e) was/action
After a brief time in math class, I became bored.
a) became/linking b) bored/action c) became/action d)
bored/linking e) none of the above
The policeman looked tired. a) tired/action
b) looked/action c) tired/linking d) looked/linking e)
looked tired/action
The teacher should take attendance every day.
a) should/linking b) take/linking c) take/action d) should
take/action e) should take/linking
The silly-looking clown fell down the stairs clumsily.
a) looking/action b) looking/linking c) fell/linking
d) fell/action e) fell clumsily/action
The smiling woman always seemed happy. a) smiling/action
b) smiling/linking c) seemed/action d) seemed/linking
e) none of the above
The hard-working cab driver was driving way too fast for
the condition of the road. a) was/linking b) was driving/action
c) driving/action d) was driving/linking e) none of the above
The policeman did question the suspect after the crime.
a) did/linking b) question/linking c) did/action d) did
question/action e) none of the above.
Which of the previous 10 sentences used a helping verb?
a) 27, 28, 29, 30 b) 27, 31, 34, 35 c) 29, 30, 33, 34 d) 28,
29, 30, 33 e) 32, 33, 34, 35
How many objectives does the lesson on tables have?
a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) many
One reason the lesson gave for using tables for data was...
it's easier to share data with other people. b) it helps in looking
for patterns in the data. c) it's just how you do it.
d) it's neater and easier to read. e) none of the above
The word data is plural. a) True b) False
Which of these was one of the tips provided to help you
practice the concepts of the lesson? a) Practice your times tables.
b) Make another line in the example table. c) Look up the word data
in the dictionary. d) Make a table of data yourself. e) None
of the above.