Friday, 4/11/08 - Miss Wilson takes over on Monday.
Prepare paper for Test #12. Remember to include your score on Monday's warm up (/7).
Mental Floss.
  1. James said that he was born on February 29, 1900. What birthday did he celebrate in the year 2000?
  2. In a balloon floating  off the coast of Ireland, I dropped two wine bottles, one full, the other empty, off the side. There was no wind, and I was 250 feet up. Which hit the ground first?
  3. How can you perform a subtraction from seven so that the result will be even, but without subtracting any odd numbers?
  4. Change the position of just one of the words below so that all the words are in an alphabetical sequence:

  5. llama, phoenix, hyena, alligator, beaver, elephant, tortoise, antelope
  6. If you multiply together the number of fingers on one person's right hand to another person's to another person's unitl you get the product of the fingers on the right hands of everyone in the world, what is the most likely product?

  7. For instance, one person has 5 fingers, and his friend has 5 fingers. The product is 25. Another person with 5 fingers would make the product 125. This goes on until everyone's finger number is multiplied.
    What's the answer? Estimate what the final product would be. (Current world population is about 6.8 billion. Alert: MATH)
  8. I can be huge,

  9. or I can be small.
    I can be long like a sausage,
    or round like a ball.
    I might stay with you,
    or I might travel for miles.
    For those of few years,
    I always bring smiles.

    What am I?
Test #12.