Monday, 12/03/07
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Pink Sheet Review. Click Only. You should get at least 7 correct.
  1. The dry desert soil, and hardly any water.  a) Complete Sentence  b) Run On  c) Fragment
  2. There are shells all over the beach, let's collect some!  a) CS  b) RO  c) F
  3. Much madness is divinest sense to a discerning eye.  a) pronoun  b) past tense verb  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) None of the above.
  4. His brother's voice was quite cold.  a) possessive noun  b) past tense verb  c) adjective  d) adverb  e) pronoun
  5. How many words will that require? (subject/complete verb)  a) words/will  b) words/will require  c) that/will require  d) that/require e) (you)/will require
  6. There were four wheels of cheese for four people.  (subject/complete verb)   a) there/were  b) wheels/were  c) cheese/were  d) wheels/were there  e) none of the above
  7. Two ______ backpacks...  a) children's  b) childrens'  c) childrens's
  8. students lockers  a) students'  b) student's  c) students's
  9. I --> me is a change in... a) case  b) number  c) person  d) antecedent  e) gender
  10. We waited in a long line to climb to the top of the wheel but it was a disappointment. (commas)  a) line, wheel,  b) wheel,  c) but,  d) wheel, but,  e) line, wheel, but,

Pretest 3A

Finish ASOT + Reading Check
"Time and Punishment"

MWA Intro. Click!
1. What is it? (On her head.) a) a wimple  b) a cloaking  c) a hood  d) a nuns' garb  e) none of the above
2. a) medeivel b) medeival  c) medieval  d) medevil
3. In those times, girls could be married off as young as... a) 15.  b) 14.  c) 12.  d) 7.
4. In those times, people believed that bad odors spread disease.  a) True  b) False.
5. What's a midwife?  a) A young girl who was married, but in name only.  b) The second of a husband's three wives.  c) A woman who has an affair.  d) A woman with two husbands.  e) None of the above.