Wednesday, 12/05/07 - Early Rease Schedule
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. Eddie finally learned some respect for _______ when he joined the Marine Corps.  a) conduct  b) authority   c) benefit  d) evidence  e) concept
  2. The instructions ________(ed) of five steps.  a) conduct  b) complex   c) context  d) consist  e) concept
  3. In the library, please _______ your business quietly.   a) conduct  b) positive   c) occur  d) consist  e) concept
  4. He _________(ed) the problem much differently than I did...  a) require  b) positive   c) aspect  d) method  e) approach
  5. ...and so he saw ________(s) of it that I didn't see, and vice versa.  a) require  b) positive  c) aspect  d) significant  e) approach
  6. The bene part of benefit means... a) thing  b) reward  c) value  d) good  e) extra
Pink Sheet Pretest III.
  1. Which of the following questions is NOT one that an adjective would answer. a) Which one? b) What kind? c) How many? d) How? e) All are questions an adjective would answer.
  2. Two-Bit nodded sagely. "Nice cut, too. Makes you look tough."   a) adjective/adverb  b) adverb/adjective  c) both adjectives  d) both adverbs
  3. I always work harder early  in the day, because I am tired  by afternoon.  a) adjective/adverb  b) adverb/adjective  c) both adjectives  d) both adverbs
  4. The climb up Walton mountain took us two hours.  a) verb  b) adjective  c) noun  d) adverb  e) none of the above
  5. Sue felt sick as she tried to sit up.  a) verb  b) adjective  c) noun  d) adverb  e) none of the above
  6. The humidity of the rain forest makes travel difficult.  (simple subject)  a) rain forest  b) rain  c) forest  d) travel  e) humidity
  7. Do you know any other facts about Jimmy? (helping verb/main verb)  a) do/know  b) you/know  c) you/do  d) you/do know  e) none of the above
  8. _______ you ever hear of Harriet Tubman?  a) have  b) has  c) did  d) had  e) does
  9. Which one is not a form of the word be?  a) are  b) is  c) been  d) was  e) All are forms of the word be.
  10. He was screaming very loudly. The word was is being used as a helping verb.  a) True  b) False
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest
  1. His use of a fake beard and mustache was a pathetic attempt to be __________. a) diligent  b) dire  c) prolific  d) incognito  e) bona fide
  2. The meeting with the angry parents was less than __.  a) diligent  b) dire  c) diffident  d) incognito  e) cordial
  3. My mom didn't find my reasons for "needing" an X-Box very _______, so I was denied.  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) prolific  d) diffident  e) deduce
  4. He read the words of wisdom written on the wall of the old _________. a) diligent  b) privy  c) diffident  d) prolific  e) cordial
  5. He practiced the skate trick ______(ly) until he got it right. a) diligent  b) moiling  c) prolific  d) cordial  e) bona fide
  6. The "consequences" for misbehavior in schools in the old days were sometimes pretty ______. a) diligent  b) dire  c) prolific  d) incognito  e) deduce
  7. "Now, now, don't be _______; speak up!"  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) prolific  d) diffident  e) deduce
  8. The hypnotist's voice was strangely ________, and actually almost made you want to cluck like a chicken.  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) prolific  d) diffident  e) deduce
  9. Karissa crowd-surfed across the ________ mass of people at the concert.  a) privy  b) moiling  c) prolific  d) cordial  e) bona fide
  10. Please be discreet when someone makes you _______ to their thoughts and feelings.  a) privy  b) moiling  c) prolific  d) cordial  e) compelling
  11. There was only a subtle difference between the two $100 bills, so the bank clerk had to examine them very carefully to tell which was the _____ one.  a) privy  b) deduce  c) prolific  d) cordial  e) bona fide
  12. On the show CSI, the crime scene investigators used science to ______ whom the killer was. a) diligent  b) compelling  c) prolific  d) diffident  e) deduce


The Midwife's Apprentice

The Midwife's Apprentice.

MWA Intro. Click!
1. What is it? (On her head.) a) a wimple  b) a cloaking  c) a hood  d) a nuns' garb  e) none of the above
2. a) medeivel b) medeival  c) medieval  d) medevil
3. In those times, girls could be married off as young as... a) 15.  b) 14.  c) 12.  d) 7.
4. In those times, people believed that bad odors spread disease.  a) True  b) False.
5. What's a midwife?  a) A young girl who was married, but in name only.  b) The second of a husband's three wives.  c) A woman who has an affair.  d) A woman with two husbands.  e) None of the above.