Friday, 2/8/08
Prepare sheet for Test 9A.
Mental Floss - No Tricks! (Well, maybe #2.) Remember the "No Easy" Rule.
  1. These groups of three definitions describe three words that are spelled the same, except for one letter. (Example: king, ring, wing.) What are they?

  2. a) finished, to sleep lightly, a measured quantity
    b) furtive, to secretly observe, an enclosure for pigs
  3. What famous saying is represented here?

  4. zain yain xain wain vain uain tain sain rain qain oain nain main lain kain jain iain hain fain eain dain cain bain aain
  5. Rearrange the letters to form two 4-letter words, then rearrange them again to form one 8-letter word. Example: ACEIKMRV = MARK, VICE, MAVERICK

  7. A man made up a seven-character password (letters and numbers only) for his e-mail  account, and he wanted to write it down somewhere in case he forgot it. But he didn't  want to write down the actual password, so he wrote this sentence: "You force Heaven to be empty."  Can you crack his password?
  8. Each of the following phrases can be rearranged into a single proper noun. (All the nouns you end up with have something in common.) What are the proper nouns?  
    a) as a ritual  b) sir usa  c) grey man  d) a fruit chaos
Test 9A.