Thursday, 2/14/08 - Tomorrow's Test: Adverbs, Vocabulary, TS ch 26, 27
Warm Up. Sentence Scrambles. Write out the resulting sentences. +1 for each correct sentence. Counts for 600 words. Use a separate sheet with a date and a word count. Do not add, subtract, or change any words. Each "chunk" has to stay together. Use proper punctuation.
  1. a)  looked through  b) for so small a thing   c) she seldom or never   d) her glasses  e) as a boy   (16 words)
  2. a) daintily  b) and stepped back  c) Tom swept his brush  d) to note its effect   e) back and forth (16 words)
  3. a) a wilder, heartier interest   b) if she had built   c) the boy could not   d) a fire    e) have shown   f) under him (18 words)
Adverb Pretest #2. (Correction on Pretest One: #2 has been thrown out due to its ambiguous nature. So, you can miss two total, or none today to be exempt tomorrow. No cheat sheet today.)
  1. The llama is a quadruped, with fins for swimming and wings for flying.  a) with  b) swimming, flying  c) with, for(2), and  d) quadruped  e)  no adverbs
  2. The buff llama swam extremely fast across the bay. a) buff, across  b) buff, fast  c) buff, extremely, fast, across  d) extremely, fast  e) extremely
  3. (adverb --> word it modifies) I am well pleased with my llama's fine performance on the test.  a) pleased --> am  b) am --> pleased  c) pleased --> performance  d) well --> performance  e) well --> pleased
  4. (adverb --> word it modifies) He is indubitably the finest llama at the newest school. a) finest --> is  b) indubitably --> is  c) indubitably --> llama  d) newest, finest --> is  e) no adverbs
  5. Quite suddenly, the llama bolted across the field. a) quite  b) quite, suddenly  c) quite, suddenly, across  d) quite, suddenly, field  e) no adverbs
  6. That llama is rather talented; he'll go far if he works hard.  a) rather  b) rather, talented  c) rather, hard, far  d) rather, talented, hard  e) rather, talented, hard, far
  7. Intensifiers are adverbs that tell how, where, or when about verbs.  a) True  b) False
  8. In the following sentence, which word is the intensifier?  The llama seemed quite dead before he galloped happily across the field.  a) seemed  b) quite  c) happily  d) across  e) None of the above, or no intensifiers.
  9. An adjective can modify an adverb.   a) True  b) False
  10. Read the sentence in the last paragraph on p163 of  Tom Sawyer, that begins, "There in the middle..." and ends with, "...roof caved in."  How many adverbs are there in that sentence? (Do not count the very before doorsteps.)  a) 1  b) 2  c) 4  d) 5  e) more than 5
Go over Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. The class told Mr. Coward that they ________(ed) to watch a video, but he told them they should use that word for more meaningful things like love and success.  a) vindictive  b) genial  c) indulge  d) yearn  e) mirth
  2. After the class begged and begged, Mr. Coward finally _______(ed) them with a video of a sheep hitting its head.   a) indulge  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirth  e) exacting
  3. When Tom testified about the dead cat, "there was a ripple of ___" through the audience. Everyone thought that was funny. a) regalia  b) mirth  c) yearn  d) melancholy  e) temperance
  4. The chips used in computers have to be made to very __________ standards; the least flaw will ruin a chip. a) vindictive  b) exacting  c) regalia  d) temperance  e) nigh
  5. After Tom talked to Muff Potter, he was feeling very __________ about Muff's situation.  a) nigh  b) vindictive  c) mirthful  d) melacholy  e) indulgent
  6. vengeful : vindictive :: demanding : ______  a) rapt  b) mirthful  c) yearning  d) melancholy  e) exacting
  7. The only reason Tom joined the Cadets of __________, was because he wanted to march in parades wearing the _______.  a) Mirth, regalia  b) Mirth, melancholy  c) Temperance, regalia  d) Temperance, mirth  e) Geniality, regalia
  8. When Tom testified at the trial, the audience was "________ in the ghastly fascination of the tale."  a) vindictive  b) melancholy  c) genial  d) exacting  e) rapt
  9. He was a good salesman, and part of it was that he was naturally a very _________ man.  a) mirth  b) genial  c) melancholy  d) rapt  e) vindictive
  10. Some groups of people are preparing for the end of the world, because they think the end is __________, and a __________ God will punish the nonbelievers.  a) exacting, vindictive  b) nigh, genial  c) rapt, vindictive  d) nigh, vindictive  e) nigh, melancholy
  11. mirth : melancholy :: temperance  : __________  a) vindictiveness  b) geniality  c) indulgence  d) yearning  e) regalia
  12. rude : genial :: distracted : _____ a) indulgent  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) exacting

TS Quiz. (ch.24, 25)
  1. If the lawyer promised not to reveal Huck's name, why is Huck still worried about Injun Joe? a) They still need Huck to testify.  b) Huck thinks Injun Joe "has ways of finding out." c) Huck doesn't trust lawyers.  d) The lawyer didn't swear an oath.  e) Tom had also promised and still told.
  2. Picture A was included with chapter 24. Of whom is it a picture?  a) The sheriff.  b) A detective.  c) Judge Thatcher.  d) The minister.  e) None of the above.
  3. Which of these was the original caption for Picture B? a) Injun Joe's Final Revenge.  b) Tom Dreams.  c) The Return of Injun Joe.  d) Injun Joe's Latest Victim.  e) Tom and Injun Joe.
  4. Huck's dreams for the money show that he is thinking about preparing for the future.  a) True.  b) False.
  5. Why does Huck think it wouldn't be smart for him to save any money they might find?  a) He would just spend it. b) His father would just take it.  c) He would just lose it.  d) He thinks Tom wants the money more than he does.  e) None of the above.
  6. (slang) "slathers" = "a raft"  (p158) a) True.  b) False.
  7. (slang) "comb a body"  =  smother you with love  (p160)  a) True.  b) False.
  8. (dialect) "shadder"  = shatter or break  (p161)  a) True.  b) False.
  9. (slang) "tackle" = attempt (p163)  a) True.  b) False.
  10. Why do they finally decide that they are digging in the wrong place? a) Witches.  b) Ghosts.  c) Neither of them has a watch. d) The tree had another dead limb.  e) It was Friday.
  11. Huck is even more afraid of ____ than he is of ____.  a) witches, ghosts  b) dead people, witches  c) murderers, haunted houses  d) ghosts, dead people,  e) ghosts, murderers


120 Seconds
Tom Sawyer aloud.