Friday, 2/15/08 - Assembly Schedule (5)
Prepare sheet for Test 2/15/08. Be sure to include your extra credit from sentence scrambles yesterday.
Mental Floss
  1. What one three-letter word can be placed in the blanks below to make four different words?
    ___less  ___ure  ___orse  ___ing
  2. On one side of a river, there is an elephant. On the other side, there is a peanut tree. The elephant really wants the peanuts, but he is too heavy for a boat, has a bad knee so he can't swim, there is no bridge, his trunk isn't long enough to reach, the river is too wide to jump across, too deep to walk across and the ends are miles away. How does the elephant get to the peanut tree?
  3. A magician recently claimed that he had been to New York City performing a feat that no one else had accomplished. He boasted that he had walked on his hands for a mile and a half down a typical cement sidewalk before he lost his balance and fell. What is wrong with the magician's claim?
  4. In a small town in the country, a male cow swallowed an explosive device. The town newspaper had a front page story about it. Which one-word headline did they use?  a) Shocking!   b) How?  c) Dangerous!  d) Terrifying!  e) Abominable!  f) What?  g) Horrible!
  5. Can you discover the missing number in series D?

  6. A) 37, 10, 82
    B) 29, 11, 47
    C) 96, 15, 87
    D) 42, ?, 15
  7. Figure out the animals! (Example: hair control foam = moose.)
Test 2/15/08.