Thursday, 2/28/08
Prepare sheet
for Test 10a.
Mental Floss
What 8-letter word uses the letter
"g" four times?
Usually we add the letter "s"
to words to make them plural. Sometimes there are weird ones, like sheep
and people and children. However, there is only one word in English that
we make plural by adding a "c." What word?
Try and find the missing numbers
- yes, you have to get them all:
2 5 10
3 10 20
4 17 34
5 __ __
_ 37 __
_ __ 100
What book can an author never
really finish writing?
Approximately what percentage
of American males, born since the days of George Washington, have been
named after him?
George Washington's wife was sweeping
when George Washington's wife slipped and got wet. How many w's in all?
What gets bigger the more you
take away from it, but smaller the more you add to it?
Test 10a.
Tom Sawyer Video?
Jeopardy tomorrow.
Projects/finals due Tuesday.