Tuesday, 1/15/08
Warm Up. Click and Copy.
  1. The training the employee received was NOT _________________; it only covered the bare basics of the job.  a) adapt  b) phenomenon  c) finite  d) comprehensive  e) ultimate
  2. The employees at Google are encouraged to _____________, and come up with new ideas.  a) differentiate  b) simulate  c) extract  d) confirm  e) innovate
  3. Recent polls show that a slight majority of people ______________ the death penalty for some crimes.  a) successor  b) extract  c) advocate  d) confirm  e) comprise
  4. Even though it looks like it goes forever, the universe is ____________.  a) dispose  b) comprehensive  c) finite  d) phenomenon  e) hierarchy
  5. Everyone was talking about the strange _______________ that appeared in the sky yesterday.  a) hierarchy  b) advocate  c) successor  d) ultimate  e) phenomenon
Go over Pink Sheet, Side One - What is a verb?   |  Verb Mini Quiz.
  1. The three main types of verbs are action, linking, and helping.  a) True  b) False
  2. Have a quick look at this before you say yes.    a) action  b) linking  c) helping  d) not a verb
  3. Verb/Type? The fast-running river was cold and treacherous. a) running/action  b) was/helping  c) was/linking  d) was cold/action  e) was/action
  4. Jimmy was carrying his running shoes.  a) action  b) linking  c) helping  d) not a verb
  5. At the party, Sue looked amazing.  a) action  b) linking  c) helping  d) not a verb
  6. Sigfreid has a tractor.  a) action  b) linking  c) helping  d) not a verb
  7. The smiling woman always seemed happy.  a) smiling/action  b) smiling/linking  c) seemed/action   d) seemed/linking  e) seemed/helping
Tom Sawyer.
  1. (6) What happens to Tom's pulled tooth?  a) He loses it.  He trades it to Huck for a dead cat.  c) He trades it to Huck for a tick.  d) He trades it for a blue ticket and a bladder from the slaughterhouse.  e) None of the above.
  2. (6) What is the schoolmaster teaching/doing when Tom arrives at school?  a) arithmetic  b) reading  c) punishing a student  d) geography  e) none of the above
  3. (6) Re. the picture at right. Who drew it?  a) Tom  b) Becky  c) the schoolmaster  d) Huck  e) none of the above
  4. (6) Re. the picture at right. Who is the tall one? a) Tom  b) Becky  c) the schoolmaster  d) Huck  e) none of the above
  5. (6) Re. the picture at right. What is the short one carrying?  a) a bunch of flowers  b) a fan  c) a book  d) a gift  e) none of the above
  6. (6) Re. the picture at right. Why was it drawn?  a) To impress someone.  b) To help someone with is/her work.  c) As art to display.  d) For no reason.  e) None of the above.
  7. (6) The word jubilant (p50) most nearly means... a) hurting.  b) ecstatic.  c) worried.  d) regretful. e) none of the above.
  8. (7) "He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it." (p52) What does "his bit of variety" mean?  a) Throwing the tick away. b) Punishing Tom and Joe.  c) Insulting them in front of the class.  d) Crushing the tick very dramatically.  e) None of the above.
  9. (7) Tom's mistake with Becky was... a) Making her kiss him. b) Insulting her.  c) Mentioning the other girl, Amy.  d) Not being truthful.  e) Not sharing his gum.
  10. (7) At the end of chapter 7, Becky regrets not making up with Tom. a) True.  b) False.

120 Seconds Begins.