Thursday, 1/17/08 - Tomorrow's Test: AW7, Vocabulary, Verbs, TS 10/11.
Warm Up. Click and Copy.
  1. The door-to-door evangelists tried to _________ me to their religious beliefs.  a) prohibit  b) extract  c) dispose  d) convert  e) innovate
  2. The police can't resort to torture to ________ a confession from a suspect.  a) prohibit  b) extract  c) dispose  d) submit  e) simulate
  3. Mr. Marinello is the _________ to our previous VP, Mr. Indvik. a) advocate  b) thesis  c) dispose  d) hierarchy  e) successor
  4. There can be no such thing as a perpetual motion machine; nothing can go on running (in)____________(ly).  a) prohibit  b) extract  c) innovate  d) finite  e) ultimate
  5. Your _______ will be very difficult to prove.  a) phenomenon  b) ultimate  c) advocate  d) hierarchy  e) thesis
Go over Pink Sheet (Verbs and Objects.)
Pink Sheet Practice.
  1. Moe dropped the letter at the post office.  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  2. a) VT  b) VI
  3. He wrote his essay illegibly  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  4. a) VT  b) VI
  5. Phred submitted the winning entry in the contest.  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  6. a) VT  b) VI
  7. Itchy handed Scratchy a ticking bomb.  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  8. a) VT  b) VI
  9. Itchy handed Scratchy a ticking bomb.  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  10. What did your cousin send you?  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  11. a) VT  b) VI
  12. What did your cousin send you?  a) DO  b) IO  c) Adv.
  13. Sid was a failed rock star.  a) action  b) linking  c) helping  d) not a verb

Tom Sawyer, Chapter 9

  1. Which of the boys is more scared in the graveyard?  a) Tom  b) Huck
  2. Why does Injun Joe kill Doc Robinson?  a) The doctor wouldn't give him any more money.  
    b) The doctor hit him first.  c) Revenge for something in the past.  
    d) The doctor insulted him for being Native American.  e) None of the above.
  3. The boys know that Injun Joe is framing Muff for the murder.  a) True  b) False
  4. Injun Joe knows the boys witnessed the murder.  a) True  b) False
  5. Who is A?   a) the cat  b) Tom  c) Huck  d) Injun Joe  e) Muff Potter
  6. Who is B?   a) the cat  b) Tom  c) Huck  d) Injun Joe  e)Doc Robinson
  7. Who is C?   a) the cat  b) Tom  c) Huck  d) Muff Potter  e) Hoss Williams
  8. Who is D?   a) Hoss Williams  b) Tom  c) Injun Joe  d) Muff Potter  e) Doc Robinson
  9. Who is E?   a) Hoss Williams  b) Tom  c) Injun Joe  d) Muff Potter  e) Doc Robinson
  10. Who is F?   a) Hoss Williams  b) Tom  c) Injun Joe  d) Muff Potter  e) Doc Robinson
  11. Who is G?   a) Hoss Williams  b) Tom  c) Injun Joe  d) Muff Potter  e) Doc Robinson


120 Seconds Continues. Next Time: Tuesday!