Tuesday, 1/29/08
Check 600 Words (/40 - date range: 1/22-1/29) and Study Questions (/5).
Word Count:
Total: 805
Credit Chart:
300 = 20/40
400 = 30/40
500 = 35/40
600 = 40/40
750 = 45/40
900 = 48/40
1000+ = 50/40
Warm Up. Click and Copy (1-6).
  1. The poem's language was so ____________ that everyone interpreted it differently. a) accumulate  b) crucial  c) deviate  d) fluctuate  e) ambiguous
  2. The word ____________ literally means "one shape."  a) exploit  b) uniform  c) contemporary  d) bias  e) denote
  3. Many people think that the big farm owners _________ the people who pick their crops.  a) induce  b) accumulate  c) exploit  d) displace  e) denote
  4. The man's blood pressure ____________(ed) wildly right before his heart attack.  a) exploit  b) manipulate  c) clarify  d) fluctuate  e) minimize
  5. Even in ______ slang, the word cool still means good.  a) contemporary  b) arbitrary  c) ambiguous  d) deviate  e) implicit
  6. Our _________ choice for where to stay turned out to be a good one...this time.  a) accumulate  b) arbitrary  c) deviate  d) fluctuate  e) ambiguous
  7. In Spanish, instead of an apostrophe, they use the preposition ____ to show ownership.  a) to  b) from  c) for  d) of  e) with
The Busy P's - Prepositions
Pink Sheet Pretest 1. (You can miss one per day, or a total of 3 or fewer to be exempt on Friday.)
ID the prepositions.
  1. Myron mailed the letter to his grandma at the post office.  a) the(2), to, at  b) the(2), at  c) to  d) at  e) to, at
  2. Danny told us about the great vacation he had at lunch.  a) about  b) about, at  c) about, at, the  d) at  e) no prepositions
  3. Hundreds of people swarmed into the theater for the show.  a) of  b) of, into, swarmed  c) of, into  d) of, into, for  e) of, for
  4. Without a doubt, spitting on the subway is against the law.  a) without, doubt, on  b) without, on, is  c) without, on, against  d) on, against  e) against
  5. If you try, you know that you can fly...over the rainbow.  a) that  b) can  c) can, over  d) over  e) that, over
  6. I am going to skip on my way home from Grandmother's house.  a) to, on, from  b) on, from  c) from  d) to, from  e) on
  7. After years as head coach, he decided to step down.   a) after  b) after, as  c) after, as, down  d) after, down e) after, as, to
Bonus: What's grammatically wrong with the first two?

Tom Sawyer, Chapter 14

  1. Which of these things is not described by MT as something the boys did on the island?  a) sitting around and talking  b) swimming naked  c) finding an old empty treasure chest  d) catching and eating fish  e) They did all these things.
  2. What does Tom think will happen, since the inchworm crawled across him? a) He'll find a treasure chest  b) He'll find a real, wrecked, pirate ship  c) He'll have bad luck.  d) He will die soon.  e) He will soon have a new set of pirate clothes.
  3. What was the "boom" the "pirates" kept hearing? a) The villagers searching for them.  b) Explosions from a fire in the village.  c)  A passing steamboat with engine trouble.  d) Hunters with guns.  e) NOTA
  4. Why are the boys consciences bothering them near the end of Chapter 14? a) Because they stole so much food.  b) Because they're thinking of their families.  c) Because they are cold and hungry.  d) Because they realized that pirates are actually bad guys.  e) NOTA
  5. "Tom withered him with derision." (p100)  What does this mean?  a) Tom cried that he was homesick too.  b) Tom was telling him to just have fun.  c) Tom said they would leave as soon as he got around to it.  d) Tom made fun of him for being a wimp.  e) NOTA
  6. What did Tom do before he left camp? a) Took some food.  b) Left a note saying he was homesick and had to leave.  c) Left a note saying he would be back soon.  d) Told the other boys about a plan he had.  e) NOTA
120 Seconds Continues.