Thursday, June 5, 2008

Yee #5
Read Chapter 7 of That Was Then, This Is Now.

Quiz. (TWTTIN Chpt. 7)

  1. Why is Mr. Carlson convinced that M&M will come home the next day? A. because M&M loves his family too much to leave B. because M&M is only a kid and doesn't know what he's doing C. because M&M's a sensible kid D. because Mr. Carlson is going to go find him E. NOTA
  2. Mark says nothing bad happens to you when you're a kid. A. true B. false
  3. Where does Bryon find a job? A. a bank B. an ice cream shop C. a restaurant D. a supermarket E. a clothing store
  4. Mark cuts Angela's hair because... A. he wants to get back at her for setting up Ponyboy and getting him hurt B. he wants to pick a fight with her brothers C. he wants to make her ugly so Bryon won't like her anymore D. he doesn't want Cathy to be jealous of her E. NOTA
  5. What does Mark mean when he says that nothing bad's ever happened to him? A. he's forgotten everything bad that's happened in his past B. nothing really bad has ever happened to him C. nothing bad has left a mark on him D. all of the above E. NOTA
  6. The only person Mark cares about is himself. A. true B. false
  7. Mark knows M&M is okay because... A. he knows where he is B. he's gotten a letter from M&M C. M&M called him D. he has a hunch E. NOTA
  8. What has Bryon never done before? A. drugs B. smoked C. snuck out of the house D. wondered about things E. all of the above
  9. When does Mark say you get old? A. when you turn 30 B. when you get married C. when you have kids D. when you start wondering why things are the way they are E. when you watch somebody die

Read Chapter 8 of That Was Then, This Is Now.

Quiz. (TWTTIN Chpt. 8)

  1. Why is Bryon hacked off at Mark? A. Bryon doesn't know B. because Mark knows where M&M is C. because Mark cut off all of Angela's hair D. because Mark doesn't need nine hours of sleep and isn't hung over E. because Bryon's mom loves Mark more than Bryon
  2. What is Mark's nickname at the house where he takes Bryon to look for M&M? A. Baby Freak B. Cat C. Lion D. Golden Boy E. Eagle
  3. The kids in the bedroom are having a _____ discussion. A. loud B. mathematical C. business D. political E. literary
  4. What/who does Mark say isn't/aren't necessarily right? A. the hippies B. the law C. Bryon D. parents E. Cathy
  5. Bryon and Cathy start going steady after Bryon told Cathy he loved her. A. true B. false
  6. Bryon gets beat up by the Shepards for cutting off Angela's hair. A. true B. false
  7. Why does Bryon have to act like a tough guy? A. Cathy's there and he wants to impress her B. he'll get beat up if others think he's weak C. he doesn't want to go to the hospital D. he has a reputation to keep E. NOTA
  8. What does Bryon tell Mark he wants him to do? A. get back at the Shepard's B. take him home C. take him to the hospital D. call his mom E. NOTA
  9. After Bryon falls asleep, Mark leaves to get the doctor. A. true B. false

Read Chapter 9 of That Was Then, This Is Now.

Quiz. (TWTTIN Chpt. 9)

  1. Bryon is sick of... A. Mark B. fighting C. Cathy D. looking for M&M E. being hurt
  2. Bryon says telling Cathy how he felt about her was the hardest thing he's ever done. A. true B. false
  3. What do Bryon and Cathy decide to do when Bryon gets better? A. look for M&M B. get married C. go find Mark's real father D. take a drive to the lake E. NOTA
  4. Where does Bryon go as soon as he is able? A. to the cemetery B. back to work C. to the hospital D. to the Shepard's E. to Cathy's house
  5. Bryon feels better after... A. getting his stitches out B. getting a raise at work C. thanking Charlie aloud D. telling Cathy he loves her E. NOTA
  6. Bryon's mom doesn't have too high of an opinion of... A. gambling B. Cathy C. Angela D. the Shepard's E. fighting
  7. Bryon says being _____ ain't being _____. A. in love, loving B. smart, mature C. strong, a fighter D. a fighter, strong E. mature, smart
  8. The expression Bryon sees on M&M's face is one of... A. relief B. joy C. hate D. anger E. suspicion
  9. M&M keeps talking about... A. candy B. spiders C. his new friends D. hippies E. a book he read

Read Chapters 10 and 11 of That Was Then, This Is Now.