Monday, 3/3/08 - Tomorrow is the State Writing Test. (No it doesn't count for 600 words.)
Copy homework into assignment book.
Warm Up. Verb Review. COPY and Click!
  1. A transitive verb requires _______.  a) a direct object  b) an indirect object  c) both  d) neither
  2. An indirect object tells to/for what/whom an action is done.  a) True  b) False
  3. Linking verbs require a direct object.  a) True  b) False
  4. A direct object is a word that names who does the action.  a) True  b) False

  5. "Joe was telling the group a story."
  6. Group is the indirect object.  a) True  b) False
  7. Story is the direct object.  a) True  b) False
  8. Telling is a transitive verb.  a) True  b) False
  9. Was is a ______ verb.  a) linking  b) action  c) helping

  10. "Jimmy seems nice."
  11. Seems is a ________ verb.  a) linking  b) action  c) helping
  12. Nice is a direct object. a) True  b) False
Spelling Returns!
Spelling Pretest #8. 1-25 in Notebook.
(Separate Sheet - Counts for 600 words)
1.What would be the most uncomfortable situation you could be in? What would make you feel the most uncomfortable and afraid?
2. Are there any jobs that should be exclusively for men or for women? Why? (Not counting professional sports.)

The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle
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