Tuesday, 3/11/08 - Turn in Rough Draft. Put the genre at the top.
Roots/Charlotte (ch. 9-10) mini-quiz.  Copy the first four. 8 minutes. CLOSED BOOK!
  1. "between throw thing" = ____  a) projectile  b) projector  c) adjective  d) interjection  e) statue
  2. Something that is static does not...    a) exist  b) stop  c) stand  d) move  e) stay
  3. "against stand thing" = ______  a) statue  b) institute  c) stanza  d) superstition  e) obstacle
  4. "forward throw thing" = ____  a) interjection  b) projectile  c) adjective  d) obstacle  e) indictment
  5. Which of these does Charlotte NOT find when she finally goes, on an errand, to the crew's quarters?  a) a needle  b) a gun  c) a round robin  d) a stowaway  e) She finds all of these.
  6. How did the crew warn Charlotte not to tell?  a) They told her they would throw her overboard.  b) They threatened to put her name on a round robin. c) One of them pretended to slit his throat. d) They said they would torture her. e) NOTA
  7. When the crew rushes out for the mutiny attempt, Charlotte uses an old vocabulary word (adjective) for how ragged and tattered they look. Which one?  a) savvy  b) destitute  c) sullen  d) vindictive  e) wretch
  8. How does Jaggery crush the mutiny?  a) He hangs one of them.  b) He theatens them with his guns.  c) He shoots Barlow.  d) He tells Charlotte to pick which one will be shot.  e) None of the above.
  9. Which person actually disobeys Jaggery, without getting punished? a) Zacariah  b) Morgan  c) Barlow  d) Cranick  e) Charlotte
  10. When Jaggery makes Charlotte choose whom to punish for the attempted mutiny, she chooses... a) Cranick. b) Morgan. c) Zachariah.  d) Barlow.  e) None of the above.

Read-Around for Rough Drafts.
Before turning in, write the genre of your paper at the top.

  1. Read the paper and use at least one comment code from each side. Make sure to write the code next to the example of it. (Draw an arrow if you have to.)  If it is a comment on the paper as a whole, put it at the end. You may use the same code as a previous reader, but you must find another example.
  2. Also write a one sentence comment at the end of the paper. This comment may be either a kudo or a suggestion. No negative comments - just suggestions! Number your comment.
  3. Pass on the paper to someone else.
  4. Each paper must be read 5 times. If you are the fifth person, bring the paper to me when you are finished. If the paper got a lot of kudos, let me know.
Left side - Problems
  • IBC - intro, body, conclusion 
  • EEE - examples, examples, examples???  
  • P - paragraphs  
  • M - mechanics other than spelling  
  • Sp - spelling  
  • O - organization issues
  • WTP - no thesis or point
  • MS - missing something
Right side - Kudos
  • F - funny
  • I - interesting
  • WW - well written
  • U - useful/learned something
  • D - descriptive/showy
  • EMO - emotional/moving
  • Wow - insightful/especially beauty