Friday, 5/30/08 - Extended Advisory Schedule
Prepare sheet for Test 5/30/08.
YEE Pretest #1. On the
back of your Friday Form. You must get 100% by June 12.
Draw a diagram of what a day and
a year are, astronomically speaking.
(Copy.) Title Page : __________
:: Works Cited : end
It is rather ironic that Thomas
Jefferson, the author of those famous words "...all men are created equal..."
was a slave owner. Those immortal words come from __________(what), which
was signed in ______, _______ (city, state), on ___/____/___ (month/day/year).
Franklin Roosevelt referred to
it as "a day which will live in infamy." (who, what, when-MDY, where)
(Copy.) 10% of 200 = _________
(Copy.) 36/45 = ______% = ______(letter
grade) Hint: -9
(Copy.) ______ books have been
sitting _______ for a long time; I hope ______ coming back soon.
Copy the sentence below and label
each word with its part of speech. (the is an adjective)
D'oh! Homer tripped very awkwardly,
and hit his big, fat head on the door.
Mental Floss.
Wacky Wordies: a) TIM
Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out.
1) Get a brown, cardboard box.
2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints.
3) Paint the box orange.
4) Paint on purple spots.
5) Paint on turquoise stripes.
7) Turn it upside down.
8) Lie on your side.
What is missing from this sequence?
I, Professor Picanumba, will amaze and astound you. Take
a piece of paper and write any word on it. Fold the paper in half, twice
and put it on the floor. Now stand on it. Believe it or not, I will now
tell you what is on the paper. How can I know?
What is half of 8,
yet isn't 2 x 2?
Zero also isn't
what I'm looking for from you.
A man left his house to go to work. When he got home he saw
that his house had been broken into. The robbers had taken everything in
his house except for two one hundred dollar bills that were in plain sight.
Why weren't the one hundred dollar bills taken?