Thursday, 11/08/07
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. He was obsessed with his new hobby; it totally __________(ed) his life. a) obtain  b) vary  c) consume  d) perceive  e) design
  2. His latest ____ was a rare stamp collection. a) acquiring  b) previous  c) acquirement  d) acquisition  e) principle
  3. His _____ of the incident was very different from hers.    a) procedure  b) principle  c) previous  d) perception  e) potential
  4. The council studied the ______  _______ of the new shopping center.  a) consume effect  b) affect strategy  c) site affect  d) potential impact  e) potential principle
  5. _____ a shame you can't figure this one out.  a) Its  b) It's
  6. _____ always use apostrophes.  a) plurals  b) possessive pronouns  c) possessive nouns  d) all of the above
  7. a) Jimmies'   b) Jimmy's  c) Jimmys'  d) Jimmies    lame excuse...
  8. a) Elvis's  b) Elvis'  c) Elvi's  d) Elvis    old song...
  9. ...that    a) bears'  b) bears's  c) bear's  d) bears  furry coat...
  10.  a) families  b) family's  c) familys'  d) families'  vacation...
  11. I saw four ________ shows in Las Vegas.  a) Elvis'  b) Elvis's  c) Elvi's  d) Elvises'

Martian Chronicles Quiz: (LS) "The Luggage Store" and  "The Off Season"

Read Aloud: "The Silent Towns"  p145