Tuesday, 11/27/07
Warm Up. Copy and Click.
  1. She bought a frame and all the ______(s) she needed, and built her bike herself.  a) document  b) outcome  c) specify  d) component  e) scheme
  2. There have been no actual, ______________(ed) "flying saucer" sightings.  a) sequence  b) justify  c) considerable  d) document  e) valid
  3. Juliet's father would not give his _____________ for her to marry Romeo.  a) justify  b) consent  c) sufficient  d) valid  e) outcome
  4. The size of our football field was ____________(ed) by the size of Louie's yard.  a) contribute  b) convene  c) coordinate  d) sufficient  e) constrain
  5. We haven't had a ____________ amount of rain lately; it's been pretty dry.  a) justify  b) considerable  c) valid  d) constrain  e) document
  6. I don't like what you're _________(ing); I would never cheat.  a) consent  b) imply  c) valid  d) convene  e) contribute
Pink Sheet: Correct your own.
Pink Sheet Pre-Quiz I.
(Ace this one, and the one on Thursday, and you are exempt from the pink sheet section of the test Friday.)
  1. The word that a pronoun refers to is called the... a) first person  b) case  c) person  d) antecedent  e) object
  2. Changing the pronoun I to ME changes its... a) case  b) number  c) person  d) antecedent  e) none of the above
  3. she - 1st person/possessive/singular   a) true  b) false
  4. our - 1st person/possessive/plural  a) true  b) false
  5. it - 3rd person/not possessive/plural  a) true  b) false
  6. them - 3rd person/not possessive/plural  a) true  b) false
  7. You may notice a coachman as he moves his coach skillfully down the street.

  8. This sentence contains ___ personal pronoun(s).   a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4
  9. We can try our luck at tooting a tin whistle.

  10. This sentence contains ___ personal pronoun(s).   a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4


"The Other Foot" by Ray Bradbury.  Finish reading silently. Then do the quiz.

  1. The expression "the shoe is on the other foot now" means... a) Your shoes are on the wrong feet. b) "Treat others the way you would like to be treated." c) "The tables have turned." d) You walk funny.  e) None of the above
  2. Willie thinks the people who are excited about seeing the white man are... a) forgetful. b) heroic. c) fools. d) silly. e) a and c.
  3. When Willie says he'll let the white people live up there, he is being... a) generous. b) forgiving. c) ironic. d) foreshadowing.  e) none of the above.
  4. Willie wanted the paint and stencils to... a) "brand" the incoming white man. b) paint signs that said "Go Home." c) paint a message of hate on the rocket. d) paint the same sort of signs he grew up seeing and hating.  e) None of the above.
  5. On page 36, when Hattie thinks about "tearing down walls", what do the walls represent? a) The people's hatred. b) The society that the black Martians have created for themselves. c) The facade they use to hide their real selves. d) All of the above. e) None of the above.
  6. The white man is there to... a) say "We're sorry." b) ask for help. c) help steal Mars from the blacks. d) blow up Mars. e) None of the above.
  7. How does the white man know whether a certain person is alive or dead, or whether a particular building is still standing or not? a) Everything was destroyed, so he knows that they're all gone. b) He has a computer inside his ship which can look it up. c) He's been there. d) He's in radio contact with Earth.
  8. What does that tree represent?  a) Willie's home back on Earth. b) The destruction of the Earth by the white man. c) All the injustices that the white man inflicted on the black man. d) The death of Willie's father. e) All of the above.
  9. How does this story illustrate the idea of "turning the other cheek"? a) The blacks let themselves be treated badly. b) Willie and the others didn't try to get revenge. c) The white man was paid back for all the bad things he had done. d) The blacks finally had justice for the treatment at the hands of the white man. e) c and d.
  10. Willie and the others decided to "turn the other cheek" because... a) There was nothing left to hate. b) They realized that the white man was lonely just like them. c) They realized that the white man had turned his hatred on himself. d) The white man had already been punished enough. e) All of the above.
  11. The story takes place in... a) 1965. b) 1985. c) 1952. d) 2005.
  12. The theme (big idea) of this story is mainly...  a) Importance of Family  b) Clash of Cultures  c) Hatred  d) Forgiveness  e) Revenge