Tuesday, 10/9/07
Copy Homework into Assignment Book.
Warm Up. Adjective or Adverb? Copy the sentence and label the underlined word. Click!
  1. She jumped up suddenly and left the room.
  2. She speaks so softly that I can hardly hear her.
  3. With his silly attitude, he fits the role of the jester perfectly.
  4. After the long drive, she was barely awake.
  5. She is a quick learner; he learns more slowly.
  6. The wooly mammoth is believed to be the ancestor of the modern elephant.
Pretest #5. Theme?

Outsiders aloud up to top of p144.
Finish ch9 silently, and then do the Chapter 8 and 9 quiz. Click only. Open book.
Done early? Work on crossword, essay, vocabulary.

I will check out S.L.A.P. rough drafts for those that have them.
Checklist for S.L.A.P.  (due Thursday).