Thursday, 4/23/09
Checking: 600 words (2x - 4/7-4/14 + 4/14 - 4/23), Extra Credit KBAR, Essay Rough Drafts

Warm Up. Copy I-III and VII-IX. (L = 50)
I. a) journeying  b) curlier  c) parties  d) frying  e) all correct
II. a) hurried  b) lazily  c) easyer  d) happiest  e) all correct
III. a) partying  b) boyish  c) beautiful  d) prettier e) all correct
IV. All of the words in I follow the y-i rule. a) True  b) False
V. All of the words in II follow the y-i rule.  a) True  b) False
VI. All of the words in III follow the y-i rule.  a) True  b) False
VII. X% of XL =  a) XXL  b) V  c) IV  d) XXX  e) NOTA
VIII. XIV/XX = ____   a) LXX%  b) LXXX%  c) LXV%  d) VII%  e) NOTA
IX.  IX x IX =  a) XXXLI  b) LXXXVIII  c) LXVI  d) LXXXI  e) NOTA

Pre-search IV. Click A for a good research-type question, click B for one that is not.

  1. How long does a joey stay in his mother's pouch before going out on his own?
  2. Why did Hitler single out the Jews?
  3. Is eating chocolate bad for your health?
  4. Why was Joan of Arc burned at the stake?
  5. Is there a cure for asthma?
  6. Who's the best baseball player ever?

Advance Warning about Topic Selection:
I. No: skateboarding, surfing, snowboarding, particular cars or planes, mass murderers/mafia/criminals, bios of sports stars, celebrities, or rock stars, animals just because they're cute, video games, Disney or Disneyland, "all about" papers, "history of" papers.
II. Your paper must have a thesis: something you are trying to prove using your research.

Read "Chocolate has a Dark Side" to yourself. When everyone is done, partner/trio up, and, on a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions using complete sentences. I only need one answer sheet per duo/trio. (Questions marked with a star* can/should be answered in one sentence.)

  1. *The first paragraph of this article contains the topic sentence for the whole article. Write that sentence.
  2. Explain how this article does or doesn't contradict the "History of Chocolate" web page we read, about where and when in Europe chocolate eating began.
  3. Explain one reason why growing cacao trees on large plantations is harmful.
  4. *In one sentence, explain what they mean by "labor intensive." (P4)
  5. Besides not attending school, explain another three other problems faced by child laborers in the Ivory Coast.
  6. *How many of the Ivory Coast chocolate plantations use child labor?
  7. Explain the two changes that are being made to help the situation.
  8. *Explain what "fair trade" means in one sentence.
  9. *How much of the chocolate that is bought in the US is "fair trade" chocolate?
  10. What else should be done? Suggest a way regular people could help this situation.
    Bonus Question
  11. Why did the chocolate manufacturers want to avoid having to put "SLAVE FREE" labels on their products?