Tuesday, 12/2/08
Check AWS 1-5 and IRW 344-345.
Warm Up. Click and Copy.
  1. Unfortunately, there is not much ___________(ment) of the no gum rule. a) amend  b) sustain  c) consult  d) enforce  e) revenue
  2. Many seventh graders are a bit (dis)__________(ed) during the first few days of school.  a) enable   b) facilitate  c) amend  d) enforce  e) orient
  3. Get those crazy _________(s) of no homework right out of your head!  a) enforce  b) notion  c) capacity  d) clause  e) conflict
  4. Back in the day, the three ____________ subjects in school were called the 3R's: Readin', (W)Ritin', and (A)Rithmetic.  a) notion  b) amendment  c) fundamental  d) logical  e) revenue
  5. He used compost to ___________ the soil, so his garden was lush.  a) enforce  b) facilitate  c) generate  d) amend  e) orient
  6. As fewer people buy cd's, record companies have to figure out new ways to __________  ___________. a) sustain entity  b) generate orientation  c) amend enforcement  d) generate revenue  e) facilitate capacity
"Volunteers" to share AWS.  OK?  +1? -1?

Correct IRW 344-345. (10 points)
IRW (p344-345) Reading Check. (8 points) Click only. Open book.

  1. Which of the following instruments will probably not be used for the activities in this lesson? a) ruler.  b) thermometer.  c) scale.  d) microscope.  e) All will probably be used.
  2. SI is an abbreviation for... a) Science International  b) International Science Units  c) Science International Units  d) International System of Units  e) None of the above.
  3. Why is SI important to science? a) The number 10 is easy to calculate with.  b) Because the earliest scientists needed a way to measure.  c) So scientists can share information.  d) All of the above.  e) None of the above.
  4. What is another example given of a specialized system of measurement?  a) Dating the age of fossils.  b) Calendars.  c) Sizes of clothes.  d) The Richter Scale for earthquakes.  e) Inches and feet.
  5. Which is not an objective for this lesson?  a) To learn the scientific units of measurement.  b) To practice using the units of measurement.  c) To learn some of the tools used to make measurements.  d) To learn about the history of scientific measurement.  e) They are all objectives of the lesson.
  6. The root for the word decimal is deca, which means _____. a) science  b) ten  c) unit  d) measure  e) none of the above
  7. How many millimeters are in a centimeter?  a) 10  b) 100  c) 1/10  d) 1000  e) None of the above.
  8. If I had a  hectaliter of liquid , how much would that be? a) 1000 liters  b) 100 liters  c) 10 liters  d) 1/100 of a liter e) none of the above


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