Wednesday, 12/3/08
Checking: Vocabulary, IRW, AWS
Warm Up. Click and Copy. Pick the BEST answer.
  1. The cheerleaders tried to ___ a lot of enthusiasm in the crowd. a) facilitate  b) compound  c) orient  d) enforce  e) generate
  2. The concert was filled to ____________; it was SRO. a) transit  b) revenue  c) facilitate  d) enforce  e) capacity
  3. With interest _____(ing) daily, your money will grow quickly.  a) conflict  b) revenue  c) compound  d) sustain  e) enforce
  4. Jonas didn't have enough food to _________ him and Gabe through their long journey, and they almost starved. a) facilitate  b) enable  c) compound  d) sustain  e) enforce
  5. He was too angry to think __________(ally); he let his emotions take over.  a) fundamental  b) notion  c) compound  d) sustain  e) logic
  6.  _________ sentences have two or more main ________(s).   a) compound/clause  b) amended/entity  c) compound/notion  d) logic/clause  e) entity/notion
Correct IRW
IRW Quiz.
  1. Every horizontal line on p346 represents... a) temperature  b) 10 degrees  c) a month  d) a city in Alaska  e) none of the above
  2. (p346) Many of the satellite photos we see on tv and on the 'net are provided by the NOAA. What does that abbreviation stand for?  a) National Organization of American Areas  b) Network of Area Administration  c) Network of Ocean and Atmosphere  d) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration  e) National Observation of Atmosphere Administration
  3. On a graph like the one marked A on p346, we read the data...  a) right to left, and bottom to top  b) left to right, and bottom to top  c) right to left, and top to bottom  d) left to right, and top to bottom  e) It doesn't matter.
  4. In this context (p347), the word precipitation means...  a) snow  b) rain  c) ice/hail  d) all of the above  e) none of the above
  5. According to the map on p347, which of these states has the coldest temperature?  a) Alaska  b) New York  c) Minnesota  d) Texas  e) California
  6. (p347) Areas of low pressure seem to be associated with...  a) warm temperatures  b) a lot of wind  c) ice  d) bad weather  e) none of the above
  7. Which of these is the warmest city on the map (p347)?  a) San Francisco  b) Chicago  c) Honolulu  d) Phoenix  e) Miami
  8. (p347) Which of these cities has weather that is most similar to our current weather?  a) San Francisco  b) Raleigh c) Boston  d) Miami  e) Kansas City
  9. According to the map on p347, about how far is it from San Francisco to Salt Lake City?  a) 350 miles  b) 1000 miles  c) 1500 miles  d) 750 miles  e) You can't tell.
Go over vocabulary homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use two words twice.
  1. The meeting with the angry parents was less than _______.  a) diligent  b) dire  c) diffident  d) haggling  e) cordial
  2. My mom didn't find my reasons for "needing" an X-Box very _______, so I was denied.  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) groveling  d) diffident  e) heedless
  3. He read the words of wisdom written on the wall of the old _________. a) diligent  b) privy  c) diffident  d) turmoil  e) cordial
  4. He practiced the skate trick ______(ly) until he got it right. a) diligent  b) abundant  c)  haggle d) cordial  e) heedless
  5. The "consequences" for misbehavior in schools in the old days were sometimes pretty ______. a) diligent  b) dire  c) heedless  d) cordial  e) privy
  6. The hypnotist's voice was strangely ________, and actually almost made you want to cluck like a chicken.  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) cordial  d) diffident  e) abundant
  7. We can be sure that Jonas's leaving caused great __________ in the Community.   a) dire  b) privy  c) abundant  d) turmoil  e) groveling
  8. Please be discreet when someone makes you _______ to their thoughts and feelings.  a) privy  b) grovel  c) heedless  d) cordial  e) compelling
  9. "Now, now, don't be _______; speak up!"  a) diligent  b) compelling  c) grovel  d) diffident  e) heedless
  10. After he forgot his wife's birthday, he had to ________ for several days before she forgave him. a) privy  b) grovel  c) haggle  d) cordial  e) compelling
  11. Most stores these days don't _________ over the price.  They expect you to pay the marked price.  a) turmoil  b) grovel  c) haggle  d) cordial  e) heedless
  12. Beetle (then known as Brat) crawled into the dung heap, _________ of the smell, because she was cold.   a) diligent  b) privy  c) diffident  d) turmoil  e) heedless
  13. All of a sudden, there was a(n) ___________ of bread at the midwife's cottage. So much bread, that even Beetle got to share some.  a) diligence  b) turmoil  c) abundance  d) haggling  e) cordiality