Thursday, 12/11/08 - Tomorrow's Test: Spelling/Roots (like 1-10 today), Vocabulary (study handout and pretest), Possessive Nouns (like below), IRW 372-374.
Warm Up. Click and Copy 1-6.
  1. "from hang" = ___  a) compensate  b) obstacle  c) depend  d) predicament  e) adjective
  2. "good wish" = ___  a) compensation  b) benevolent  c) dependable  d) dependent  e) beneficial
  3. "with hang thing" = ___  a) dependable  b) dependent  c) compensation  d) beneficial  e) predicate
  4. "farewell say person" = ___  a) contradict  b) predicament  c) indictment  d) valedictorian  e) prediction
  5. "under earth"  = ___  a) substitute  b) institute  c) subterranean  d) constitution  e) statue
  6. "with stand thing" = ___  a) statue  b) institute  c) substitute  d) obstacle  e) constitution
  7. a) subterranean  b) institute  c) statue  d) projecter  e) all correct
  8. a) dependant  b) predicate  c) predicament  d) obstacle  e) all correct
  9. a) superstition  b) valedictorian  c) prediction  d) indictment  e) all correct
  10. a) circumstances  b) stansa  c) interjection  d) benevolent  e) all correct
Correct Pink Sheet - Possessive Nouns.
Pink Sheet Pretest. (To be exempt: 18/20 total or 10/10 today.)
  1. three _______ tee shirts   a) children's  b) childrens'  c) childrens's
  2. the four ______  husbands  a) wive's  b) wives'  c) wives's
  3. ________ supreme pizza  a) Lukas'  b) Lukas's
  4. that ______ leaves  a) trees'  b) tree's  c) trees's
  5. the ______ department  a) women's  b) womens'  c) womens's
  6. ______ Head Soup (made from one goat)  a) Goat's  b) Goats'  c) Goats's
  7. ...many ____  ideas were good...  a) people's  b) peoples'  c) peoples  d) peoples's
  8. ______ Night is Thursday...   a) Parent's  b) Parents's  c) Parents'
  9. all my _______ parents   a) friends'  b) friend's  c) friends's
  10. ______  lame excuse...   a) Jimmies'   b) Jimmy's  c) Jimmys'
Correct Check Workbook. Workbook Quiz (p364-365.  5 min.)
  1. Which of these is the answer to #2, p364?  a) plural for datum  b) relationships between numbers  c) numbers or facts that describe something  d) tables and graphs  e) None of the above.
  2. Which letter on p365 did you circle for the answer to #3, p364?  a) Any/all A's  b) B c) C  d) D  e) E
  3. Which of these did you underline for one of the answers to #5, p364?  a) "Look at the difference..."  b) "Identify the relationships within..."  c) "Make a table..."   d) "...add a fourth row..."  e) None of the above.
  4. How many objectives does the lesson on tables have?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4  e) many
  5. One reason the lesson gave for using tables for data was... a) it's easier to share data with other people.  b) it helps in looking for patterns in the data.   c) it's just how you do it.   d) it's neater and easier to read. e) None of the above.
  6. The word data is plural.  a) True  b) False
  7. Which of these was one of the tips provided to help you practice the concepts of the lesson?  a) Practice your times tables.  b) Make another line in the example table.  c) Look up the word data in the dictionary.  d) Make a table of data yourself.  e) None of the above.
MWA Check. (30 points)  Separate Sheet! Title. NDP. Tidy!
15 minutes. Go!
Write a summary of at least seven sentences that covers chapters 1-7 in The Midwife's Apprentice.
You may work with another person, but you both must write your own summary.
I don't need an intro or a conclusion; just one sentence per chapter should be enough.