Wednesday, 2/4/09
Warm Up. Click only. Spelling Practice.
  1. a) hypocrite  b) compatition  c) decisive  d) critique  e) all correct
  2. a) insignia  b) appetite  c) infraction  d) perpetuel  e) all correct
  3. a) memoir  b) soluble  c) assistent  d) resolve  e) all correct
  4. a) dissolve  b) soluble  c) physiology  d) physician  e) all correct
  5. The prefix hypo- means...  a) needle  b) extra  c) beneath  d) energetic  e) cold
Commas II. Yes, you may use your pink sheet.
  1. "I had cried too if you want to know the truth because Soda never really wanted anything except a horse and he'd lost his."  a) too, truth, Soda,   b) horse,  c) too, truth, horse, d) too, truth,   e) Correct as is.
  2. "Maybe he was still a junior at eighteen and a half and maybe his sideburns were too long and maybe he did get boozed up too much but he sure understood things."  a) Maybe, eighteen, half, long, much,  b) half,  long,  much,  c) Maybe, half, long, much,  d) Maybe, half, long, up, much  e) half,  long,  much, understood
  3. The town of El Queso Grande I believe has an 18 foot wheel of cheese.  a) town, Grande, believe, wheel,  b) Grande, believe, wheel,  c) Grande,  believe,  d) believe,  e) believe, wheel,
  4. We waited in a long line to climb to the top of the wheel but it was a disappointment. a) line, wheel,  b) wheel,  c) but,  d) wheel, but,  e) line, wheel, but,
  5. Which sentence on p193 contains an example of an appositive? (Check the pink sheet.)  a) #1  b) #3  c) #4  d) #5  e) None of the above.

Rubric for Tom Sawyer Wikis/Essays. Copy into folder.
I need a printed copy of your selected essay/wiki on Tuesday.

Go over Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest.
  1. "Every pore inside the boys cheeks became a spouting fountain; they could scarcely bail out the cellars under their tongues fast enough to prevent a(n)   ____________(ion)." a) swagger  b) sullen  c) spite  d) becoming  e) inundate
  2. Even as the class went wild, the sub sat _________(ly) in his chair, smiling and doing nothing. a) swagger  b) repentant  c) vivacious  d) indulge  e) serene
  3. After he realized how much he hurt Aunt Polly, Tom was genuinely ___________. a) sullen  b) repentant  c) swaggering  d) vivacious  e) temperance
  4. When Tom returned from "the dead," he walked with a cocky ________, which he thought was very ________ for a "pirate" like himself.  a) becoming, swagger  b) swagger, becoming  c) spite, vivacious  d) vivacious, serene  e) serene, vivacious
  5. The students liked the teacher because she was _____________, exciting, and rarely boring. a) sullen  b) repentant  c) swaggering  d) vivacious  e) indifferent
  6. The student sat ______(ly) outside Mr. Miller's office, muttering about how "lame all this is." a) swaggering  b) serene  c) sullen  d) repentant  e) spite
  7. When she saw Tom talking to Amy, Becky was "disturbed and uneasy." She wanted to make him jealous. So she pretended to be happy and lively, and "she said to a girl almost at Tom's elbow -- with sham   _____, "Why Mary Austin...! You silly thing."  a)  temperance  b)  vivacity  c) sullenness   d)  swaggering  e) spite
  8. After the class begged and begged, Mr. Coward finally _______(ed) them with a video of a sheep hitting its head.   a) indulge  b) inundate  c) swagger  d) spited  e) repent
  9. After he was arrested for fighting, the soldier was reprimanded for "conduct (un)____________ an officer." a) becoming  b) swagger  c) spiteful  d) repentant  e) vivacious
  10. ecstasy : depression :: temperance  : __________  a) spite  b) serene  c) indulgence  d) indifference  e) becoming
  11. The word spite could be used as a noun or a verb.  a) True  b) False
  12. Which one is not an adjective?  a) sullen  b) serene  c) vivacious  d) indifferent  e) They are all adjectives.


Tom Sawyer, ch 19-20

  1. How does Aunt Polly find out Tom's dream was a sham?  a) He finally tells her.  b) Joe's mom tells her.  c) Joe tells her.  d) Sid tells her.  e) She figures it out
  2. What makes her forgive him? a) He says he's sorry.  b) She says she has to because the Bible says so.  c) She reads the note he almost left.  d) Joe tells her how sorry Tom was.  e) None of the above.
  3. What was Mr. Dobbins' (the schoolmaster) secret ambition? a) To be a judge like Judge Thatcher.  b) To be President.  c) To be an artist.  d) To be a doctor.  e) To be a minister.
  4. What kind of book does Becky rip? a) An art book of nudes.  b) A book about the human body.  c) A school book.  d) A Bible.  e) None of the above.
  5. Why does Tom say that Becky will get caught, even if he doesn't tell on her? a) "Old Dobbins will just know who done it."  b) Alfred was watching, and will tell.  c) She will admit it because that's the right thing to do.  d) "Girls' faces always tell on 'em."  e) "Old Dobbins will beat it out of one of us."
  6. Why was Tom not at all upset about being whipped for the ink in the spelling book?  a) He was too worried about Becky. b) He knew he could get revenge on the one who really did it.  c) He thought he might actually have done it and forgotten. d) It was worth it.  e) None of the above
  7. What were Tom's punishments for the teacher's ripped book? a) A whipping and sitting in the dunce corner.  b) Sitting on the girls' side (away from Becky) and a whipping.  c) Two whippings.  d) A whipping and two hours detention.  e) NOTA
  8. The fact that Tom has started thinking more about others than himself (examples: his remorse after lying to Aunt Polly, the way he took Becky's punishment) is evidence that Tom might be... a) kissing up to people so he can get away with more pranks.  b) maturing.  c) hoping the kids forgive him for fooling the whole town.  d) foreshadowing that he will hatch another scheme.  e) flashing back to when he used to be nicer.
  9. Which question does the picture illustrate? a) #1  b) #2  c) #3  d) #5  e) #7