Thursday, 2/12/09 SSI: You owe definitions and TSSQs!
Tomorrow's Test: Vocabulary, Pronouns/Antecedents, Tom Sawyer.
Warm Up. Sentence Scramble600 II. Separate sheet with word count and date.
  1. a) the roast pig  b) immediately stick  c) when   d) an apple  e) is finished  f) in its mouth (13 words)
  2. a) the whole village  b) with the  c) close to  d) was suddenly electrified  e) the hour of noon  f) ghastly news (16 words)
"Rufus Xavier Sarsaparilla"
Pink Sheet: Pronouns and Antecedents Pretest II. You may use p68 to help you.
  1. A spotted coat helps the leopard hide from _____ prey.  a) their  b) there c) its  d) it's  e) NOTA
  2. Paul lent Sandi _________  bicycle.  a) her  b) his  c) its  d) their  e) NOTA
  3. Many artists build ________ studios in old warehouses.  a) his or her  b) their  c) there  d) its  e) NOTA
  4. p68: A #2  a) them, Bill  b) Bill, them  c) them, coyotes  d) with, them  e) NOTA
  5. p68: A #3  a) him, Bill  b) him, Widow-Maker  c) tamed, him  d) him, mustang  e) NOTA
  6. p68: A #4  a) some, people  b) people, Bill  c) it, people  d) it, cyclone  e) NOTA
  7. p68: A #5  a) his, Bill  b) his, bride  c) his, SFSue  d) name, SFSue  e) NOTA
  8. The prefix ante- means:  a) with  b) not  c) after  d) before  e) person
  9. How many "persons" do pronouns have?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4  e) many
  10. How many "genders" do pronouns have?  a) 1  b) 2  c) 3  d) 4  e) many
Go over Vocabulary Homework.
Vocabulary Pretest. You will use words more than once. You might not use them all.
  1. The class told Mr. Coward that they ________(ed) to watch a video, but he told them they should use that word for more meaningful things like love and success.  a) vindictive  b) genial  c) saunter  d) yearn  e) mirth
  2. The comedy club was called The House of _________.   a) melancholy  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirth  e) exacting
  3. When Tom testified about the dead cat, "there was a ripple of _________" through the audience. Everyone thought that was funny. a) regalia  b) mirth  c) yearn  d) melancholy  e) saunter
  4. The chips used in computers have to be made to very _________ standards; the least flaw will ruin a chip. a) vindictive  b) exacting  c) regalia  d) saunter  e) nigh
  5. After Tom talked to Muff Potter, he was feeling very ______ about Muff's situation.  a) nigh  b) vindictive  c) mirthful  d) melancholy  e) genial
  6. vengeful : vindictive :: demanding : ______  a) rapt  b) mirthful  c) yearning  d) melancholy  e) exacting
  7. When Tom testified at the trial, the audience was "________ in the ghastly fascination of the tale."  a) vindictive  b) melancholy  c) genial  d) exacting  e) rapt
  8. He was a good salesman, and part of it was that he was naturally a very ________ man.  a) mirth  b) genial  c) melancholy  d) rapt  e) vindictive
  9. Some groups of people are preparing for the end of the world, because they think the end is __________, and a __________ God will punish the nonbelievers.  a) exacting, vindictive  b) nigh, genial  c) rapt, vindictive  d) nigh, vindictive  e) nigh, melancholy
  10. aloof : genial :: distracted : _____ a) sauntered  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) exacting
  11. Tom and Joe __________(ed) out to the playground, and casually lit up their pipes.  a) saunter  b) genial  c) rapt  d) mirthful  e) nigh
  12. Tom ________(ed)  for the glory of winning the Bible prize, not the Bible itself. a) yearn  b) exact  c) indulge  d) rapt  e) mirth

TS Quiz. (ch.24, 25)
  1. If the lawyer promised not to reveal Huck's name, why is Huck still worried about Injun Joe? a) They still need Huck to testify.  b) Huck thinks Injun Joe "has ways of finding out." c) Huck doesn't trust lawyers.  d) The lawyer didn't swear an oath.  e) Tom had also promised and still told.
  2. Picture A was included with chapter 24. Of whom is it a picture?  a) The sheriff.  b) A detective.  c) Judge Thatcher.  d) The minister.  e) The schoolmaster.
  3. Which of these was the original caption for Picture B? a) Injun Joe's Final Revenge.  b) Tom Dreams.  c) The Return of Injun Joe.  d) Injun Joe's Latest Victim.  e) Tom and Injun Joe.
  4. Huck's dreams for the money show that he is thinking about preparing for the future.  a) True.  b) False.
  5. Why does Huck think it wouldn't be smart for him to save any money they might find?  a) He would just spend it. b) His father would just take it.  c) He would just lose it.  d) He thinks Tom wants the money more than he does.  e) None of the above.
  6. (slang) "slathers" = "a raft"  (p158) a) True.  b) False.
  7. (slang) "comb a body"  =  smother you with love  (p160)  a) True.  b) False.
  8. (dialect) "shadder"  = shatter or break  (p161)  a) True.  b) False.
  9. (slang) "tackle" = attempt (p163)  a) True.  b) False.