Tuesday, 2/17/09 - Checking 600 words!
Copy homework into assignment book.
Sentence Scrambles600    Separate sheet in folder w/date and word count. (+1/2 for each good sentence.)
  1. a) like cats  b) in an instant  c) were rolling  d) both boys  e) and tumbling  f) gripping each other  g) in the dirt  (17 words)
  2. a) all the time  b) the beauty queen  c) smiling  d) finally gave  e) at everybody  f) a cramp in her jaw  (16 words)
  3. a) Norman stubbed  b) a huge vat  c) his toe  d) of Jello  e) jumping into  (11 words)
  4. a) how I tried  b) they all laughed  c) to clear  d) and totally bombed  e) four trash cans  f) when I told them (18 words)
  5. a) over long woolen underwear  b) he bounded  c) out of bed  d) and a leather jacket  e) wearing a long flannel nightgown  f) a nightcap  (20 words)

MT Paragraphing Example.

Spelling Pretest #8