Thursday, 2/26/09
Prepare sheet for Test #9.
Mental Floss. Tricks aplenty.
  1. Wacky Wordy:
  2. head
  3. What word is represented by this sentence?   "If you are nit, you are e."  (Sort of a Wacky Wordy.)
  4. Steve is holding a coin in his hand. If you take away half, the value of the coin doubles. What is the coin?
  5. A man left his house to go to work. When he got home he saw that his house had been broken into. The robbers had taken everything in his house except for two one hundred dollar bills that were in plain sight. Why weren't the one hundred dollar bills taken?
  6. What grows down while it grows up?
  7. There is a city that can be the most dangerous in the world. In fact, sometimes you can die from a single visit to this city. But it is also the most productive city in the world, making almost everything we have or do possible. Name the city.
  8. During a visit to a mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criteria is that defines if a patient should be institutionalized.

  9.      "Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub. Then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup, and a bucket to the patient and ask the patient to empty the bathtub."
      Okay, here's your test:
      1. Would you use the spoon?
      2. Would you use the teacup?
      3. Would you use the bucket?
         "Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would choose the bucket, because it is larger than the spoon."
    What was the director's response?

Test #9.  For #28, pick D!  Doodle Theme: Sailing Ships!