Friday, 1/9/09
Prepare sheet for Test
Mental Floss.
"Hannah," said Bob, "I can poke my head through a hole this
big." He then made a hole with his thumb and index finger. The hole was
no wider than a quarter. Hannah was sure she would win the bet, but
Bob poked his head through the hole he made by his thumb and index finger
and won the bet. How?
What color is represented
by this "word"? BRLEUDE
Wacky Wordy: (2 words, one hyphenated)
1. Do Do
2. Dew Dew
3. Due Due
Wacky Wordy:
There are ten people at a party. In order to win a large
prize, everybody wants to make a handshake only with people shorter than
themselves. They are penalized for shaking hands with someone taller. Assume
everybody is different in height, and assume everybody wants to win. How
many handshakes are made?
Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out.
1) Get a brown cardboard box.
2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints.
3) Paint the box orange.
4) Paint on purple spots.
5) Paint on turquoise stripes.
7) Turn it upside down.
8) Lie on your side.
What is missing from this sequence?
Test 6A