Tuesday, 1/13/08
Warm Up. Click and Copy. #7 is the first appearance of a new feature called, "Husker Du?" ("Do You Remember?") It will be a rerun of a warm up question we have had this year, and one you should know the answer to.
  1. The training the employee received was NOT __________; it only covered the bare basics of the job.  a) adapt  b) phenomenon  c) finite  d) comprehensive  e) ultimate
  2. The employees at Google are encouraged to _________, and come up with new ideas.  a) differentiate  b) simulate  c) extract  d) confirm  e) innovate
  3. Recent polls show that a slight majority of people __________ the death penalty for some crimes.  a) successor  b) extract  c) advocate  d) confirm  e) comprise
  4. Even though it looks like it goes forever, the universe is ____________.  a) dispose  b) comprehensive  c) finite  d) phenomenon  e) hierarchy
  5. Everyone was talking about the strange _______________ that appeared in the sky yesterday.  a) hierarchy  b) advocate  c) successor  d) ultimate  e) phenomenon
  6. There was a rumor going around school, but it was just (un)__________(ed) gossip.  a) phenomenon  b) confirm  c) comprise  d) adapt  e) prohibit 
  7. (9/3/08) The Outsiders :: ______ : "Thank You M'am" : _____  a) first person, first person  b) first person, third person  c) first person, second person   d) NOTA
120 Seconds. Silence and respect
Judges' Ballots are here. Volunteers for tomorrow?

Tom Sawyer.
Moodle was mooooodlicious!
The wiki looks good. Some people are slackers. Demo the evolution/contribution.
Go over summaries for those that couldn't get in.
Reading Check.
Tom Sawyer, Chapters 6/7

  1. (6) Why was Huck carrying a dead cat?  a) Just because.  b) Like dead rats, he likes to swing them around on a string.  c) Because of a superstition.  d) He needs the food.  e) NOTA
  2. (6) What happens to Tom's pulled tooth?  a) He loses it.  b) He trades it to Huck for a dead cat.  c) He trades it to Huck for a tick.  d) He trades it for a blue ticket and a bladder from the slaughterhouse.  e) None of the above.
  3. (6) Why did Tom admit to talking to Huck when he knew it would get him in trouble?  a) He forgot that Huck is a pariah among the adults.  b) He may pull pranks, but he doesn't lie.  c) He wanted to impress Becky. d) He likes the attention the punishment gets him.  e) NOTA
  4. (6) Re. the picture at right. Who is the tall one? a) Tom  b) Becky  c) the schoolmaster  d) Huck  e) none of the above
  5. (6) Re. the picture at right. Why was it drawn?  a) To impress someone.  b) To help someone with is/her work.  c) As art to display.  d) For no reason; just doodling.  e) None of the above.
  6. (6) The word jubilant (p50) most nearly means... a) hurting.  b) ecstatic.  c) worried.  d) regretful. e) none of the above.
  7. (7) "He had contemplated a good part of the performance before he contributed his bit of variety to it." (p52) What does "his bit of variety" mean?  a) Throwing the tick away. b) Punishing Tom and Joe.  c) Insulting them in front of the class.  d) Crushing the tick very dramatically.  e) None of the above.
  8. (7) Tom's mistake with Becky was... a) Making her kiss him. b) Talking about rats.  c) Mentioning the other girl, Amy.  d) Not being truthful.  e) Not sharing his gum.
  9. (7) At the end of chapter 7, Becky regrets not making up with Tom. a) True.  b) False.
  10. Tom Sawyer is written in...  a) 1st person  b) 2nd person  c) 3rd person