Wednesday, 1/21/09 - 120 Postponed.
Guest Teacher Class Ratings:
1: 9  3: 8  4: 8  5: 10  6: 8
Here is the vocabulary list for the SSI/internet free people. SSI owe definitions tomorrow.
alacrity, prone (2), covet, lugubrious, palpable, smote, frivolity, incantation, eloquent, fickle
Chapter 13 Study Questions for the Moodleless.

   1.Give an example from Chapter 13 of Tom insisting on doing things "the hard way" or "by the book." (Like he did when he climbed
     the fence instead of going through the gate.)
   2."The other pirates envied him this majestic vice, and secretly resolved to acquire it shortly." (p93) Explain. (A vice is a bad habit.)
   3.How does Tom convince Joe that a pirate's life is better than a hermit's?
   4.Why are the boys' consciences bothering them at the end of chapter 13?
   5.Why does Mark Twain call the boys "curiously inconsistent pirates"? (Last line of Chapter 13.)

Today in the Computer Lab:

  1. Practice vocabulary on your own for 10 minutes using the practice quiz and vocabulary dictionary.
  2. In 10 minutes, I will go over the practice one, like always.
  3. Take the vocabulary pretest.
  4. Minimize Moodle, and take the STAR reading test.
  5. Work on wiki responding/Tom Sawyer/study questions.
  6. Read Tom Sawyer Aloud.