Friday, 1/30/09
Prepare sheet for Test
Mental Floss. Some're ticks, some ain't.
Wacky Wordy: QUE __ __ __ ION
(Hint: Rearrange and apostrophe.)
Wacky Wordy: DANCE2
Complete the words below using three consecutive letters
in alphabetical order.
Example: _ _ A _ U S; add A
B and C it would become
a) F __ __RI__
b) THI __ __ __
c) __ __ __ INE
d) S __ O __ __ Y (Hint: dog.)
Sid and Nancy were comparing information about their siblings.
At one point Sid said, "My older brother was born on the Fourth of July.
I remember the day because I was watching the fireworks." Nancy immediately
knew it was a lie. How did she know?
These groups of three definitions describe three words
that are spelled the same, except for one letter. (Example: king, ring,
wing.) What are they?
a) finished, to sleep lightly,
a measured quantity
b) furtive, to secretly observe,
an enclosure for pigs
You're in a room with three monkeys. The chimp has a stick,
the orangutan has a banana, and the gorilla has nothing. Which is the smartest
primate in the room?
Test 8A
TS '38