Wednesday, 6/3/09
Schoolhouse Rock Viewers' Request
Yee #9 + Alt.
  1. Beside each word is a series of letter groupings. Your task is to find the 8-letter answer to the word on the left by choosing one letter from each of the letter groups to the right of each clue. Example:

  2. Statuette: fro evi gse rpu lor nai ngd rep
    Answer: Fro evI Gse rpU loR naI Ngd rEp = FIGURINE
  3. What three-letter word can be added to spaces below to form four common words?
    T _ _ _ SIT       ST _ _ _ D      F _ _ _ TIC    B _ _ _ ND
  4. Try to figure out the noun or adjective that is common to all the items each group.

  5. Group A:  person, clock, cliff
    Group B:  feather,  torch,  low-calorie
  6. What word is missing?

  7. begin, inch, chapel, elastic, ___ ___ ___ , cellar, arisen, end