Total value of Charlotte
this week is 40! Your Charlotte scores plus your score today must be 56
or greater to avoid SSI.
Prepare sheet for Test 9A. Be sure to record your scores
for: Wednesday's warm up (/6), the vocabulary pretest (/11), and the Charlotte
3,4 quiz (/13).
Mental Floss
I'm called by three letters
Though I have a long name.
I'm in all of you,
But I'm never the same.
I'm all coiled up
So that I am quite small,
But if you stretch me out
I'll be really tall.
I could be the root
Of certain disease;
If man can unlock me
He'll solve many mysteries.
Type my three letters, like this: abc.
Rearrange the letters to form two 4-letter words (you can't
use any letters twice), then rearrange them again to form one 8-letter
Shmartiopolis, a master dartsman, was bragging to his bar
mates that he was such a consummate player, he could hit the dartboard
in any location at will.
"I'll wager a hundred dollars that, no matter what position
you name on the board, I'll be able to hit it from 10 feet away."
Maddie, tired of Shmartiopolis's bragging, shouted out
an answer.
Shmartiopolis stammered for a few moments and at first
refused to pay. The other bar patrons, however, made sure he held up his
end of the wager. Shmartiopolis slammed a hundred dollar bill on the counter
and stormed out. Where on the dartboard did Maddy suggest?
What has 18 legs and catches flies?
In what sport do the competitors wear iron shoes?
What 4-letter sport starts with a T?
Test 9A
Categories for Essays due 3/17. Your 600 word
essay must fit into one of the categories.