Tuesday, 3/31/09 - Checking 600 words 3/24-3/31.

Warm Up I. Separate sheet w/date, in folder. Counts for 600 words.
Would telepathy be a good thing, a good way for humans to communicate? Could there be any problems with it? Would you like to be telepathic? Why/not?
Should we send a manned mission to Mars? Why or why not?
Do you think there is (intelligent) life on other planets? What makes you think so?

Warm Up II. Copy. Use your spelling list to choose the best word for the blank.

  1. building : structure :: teacher : _________
  2. destruction : reconstruct :: ______ : divide
  3. "feeler" = _________
  4. "together feel-ness" = _________
  5. "together fold-ness" = __________
  6. The word telepathy literally means: a) distant look  b) mind look  c) distant feeling  d) brain talk  e) open mind

PSP's: Problem Pronouns. We/Us and Unclear Reference.
Work with your partner on p70.
PSPT I. (You need 27/30 for the week - or 10/10 on Thursday - for an exemption.)

  1. I saw the movie and read the book, but I think I like it better.  a) OK  b) Unclear.
  2. Getting to other galaxies seems impossible to _______ humans.  a) we  b) us
  3. Jimi and Robert are going to the game. Today, I bought tickets for them.  a) OK  b) Unclear
  4. Don't tell ________ students how to slack off.    a) we  b) us
  5. Both the planet and the star are visible with a telescope, but I can't see it with the naked eye.   a) OK  b) Unclear
  6. A6:   a) we  b) us
  7. A7:  a) we  b) us
  8. A8:  a) we  b) us
  9. For _______ aliens, life on Earth can be stressful.   a) we  b) us
  10. Joey and Dee Dee are best friends. Dee Dee is upset that he is moving. a) OK  b) Unclear


Mars Facts and Pics. Images from the Mars Rovers.
  • Average temperature on Mars is about  -67, Martian surface temperatures range widely from as little as -207 at the winter pole to almost 80 on the day side during summer. 
  • A Martian year is  686.98 days.
  • The pressure is only 1% of Earth's (14.7 lbs/in2). Almost no atmosphere.
  • Mars has permanent ice caps at both poles composed mostly of solid carbon dioxide ("dry ice").
  • Pics and facts courtesy of nineplanets.org.

"The Earth Men"
Why do you think Mrs. Ttt wasn't surprised that the men claimed to be from Earth?