Friday, 5/1/09
Prepare sheet for Test 51.
Mental Floss.
  1. The following sentences have two blanks that can be filled with two words that are anagrams of each other. Please find those words.
  2. Although much water you see,
    by definition, "desert" fits me.
    In the winter I double in size,
    but staying away is a word for the wise.
    I am very windy, that is a clue,
    What am I? Good luck to you.
  3. What's the common link?
  4. These SEVEN words are hiding something. What? (Hint: abbreviations)
    Vermont, statuesque, Swedish, Arthur, Africa, sensation, misunderstood
  5. Although very old coins tend to be worth more than their face value, why is it that 1981 nickels are worth about $100?